Chapter 63 - The Peril

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Violence Warning ⚠️

       Wasting no time to attack, Zankora was surrounded quickly by not just Dog and (Y/N), but the entranced Elitists as well.

       Yama slipped away to go chase after Bodhi and she knew that she needed to get past them all to protect the old demon.

       Dog was the first to act, dashing out to aim his legs at her and taking swipes once he was closed. She used her hardened arms as shields to block each hit and then kicked her leg up to knock his body away. When her controlled Elitists started stepping up, she had no choice but to take them on. One shifted their arms to be long enough to sweep her feet that she jumped away from while another teleported around her and swung their fist at her head. She grabbed their arm and flung them in front of her before using their body as a shield to block Dog's striking legs.

       Despite the multitude of demons attacking her, she was able to hold her own pretty well. There was a strategy she soon took. Eliminate her controlled Elitists before putting her attention on the remaining three. With the threat of the humans now here and attacking the asylum, this only made her need to protect Bodhi more urgent.

       (Y/N) waited for an opening as the controlled Elitists attacked their leader. The bigger of the group rushed forward and matched Zankora's height but not her speed. She teleported around them and tricked B into making them fall into the portal she left behind which then split in two, cutting the larger demon in half.

        She teleported the two halves of the Elitist into the other to knock them away as Dog rushed forward to swipe at her head again. She ducked beneath his legs and created another portal that he fell into and made him reappear in front of (Y/N) to shove her back.

      They both grunted from Dog falling into her and B was steadily losing demons to control. The bigger one was done and soon two more as well that Zankora made quick work of. There were only three left and B's eyes were starting to burn from the overuse of them.

       Zankora heard (Y/N)'s rage-filled shouts and jumped back from a large vine that almost struck her.

        The girl was allowing her rage to consume her as she had tunnel vision on only Zankora. She had vines sprouting from her arms and sides that all whipped toward the leader.

         Zankora moved her hardened disfigured arms and legs to block each attack. She backed away to create some distance from her and her opponents while (Y/N) rushed forward. Blackened tears spilled from her blackened eyes. As she kept shooting her vines at Zankora faster each second, the leader missed one that stabbed into her shoulder and started burning her skin. She growled in pain and used her abilities like Bodhi's to rip the vine out but also to grab onto the others again.

          (Y/N) saw this coming though and made her bloody vines spill to the ground as Dog jumped over her and loudly screeched as he slashed his legs against Zankora's side and threw her off her balance.

         Meanwhile, Yama chased after the older demon who was retreating from the fight. Zankoku's quarters weren't too big which was why a hidden door leading deeper into the asylum was open. He went after him and kept sure to stay out of Bodhi's sight to avoid his attacks. The door led to a large hall that connected the old living quarters for asylum staff with the kitchens. There were many rooms for Bodhi to hide in but not enough to keep his large form hidden.

        Yama heavily breathed as he traversed down the hall with his guard high. The sounds of distant gunfire and cannons made the entire building shake and crumble from the impact.

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