Chapter 29 - The Decision

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     (Y/N) and the spider demon both stared at each other with wide eyes while the human cousins did their best to keep them both from bolting again.

     They were trying to get the two demons to meet each other since B didn't like seeing the spider demon so scared. He was behaving the same way Tuca was, sensing the deceased King off of the girl. He thought he never would have to smell that scent of his again...

"Ok, Dog?" B carefully took one of his spider legs and started trying to lead him closer to (Y/N) who only backed away more. He was making her nervous. She's seen horrifying demons and this one was added to the list.

      Dog didn't budge, refusing to get near her too. He looked to B and quickly shook his head. "I'm not- who is she?!"

      His voice was low and raspy but also filled with fear.

"She's someone we saved from Elitists who were chasing her." B answered with a calm voice. She was used to helping her brother whenever he was scared. He wasn't very confident and found new people intimidating. So seeing a new demon who reeked of Zankoku wasn't really helping. "It's a lot to explain but she is not him. Don't worry."

      Dog glanced back up to (Y/N). She turned away and tried distancing herself more, feeling awkward and not that great from being mistaken for the dead King again.

"Look she's helping us track down the Elitists' hideout so we can stop them for good." B reassured. She leaned closer to Dog and kept her voice down. "She used to be human. They forced her to drink his blood and it turned her. She was just unlucky enough to inherit his abilities."

        Dog was shocked. They fed Zankoku's blood to her? But he's been dead for years! How did they get his blood?!

"Sooo..." B dragged as she went over to (Y/N) and pulled her closer, scaring her as she did so. "She's an ally to us! She'll lead us to those bastards so we can put them in the ground! Right, (Y/N)?"

"Uhh-" If she could remember where their hideout even was. (O/N) offered to look into her mind somehow but the demon still wasn't comfortable with it. "I guess..."

"See?" B smiled. "We're all allies here so you two shouldn't be afraid of each other."

       Both (Y/N) and Dog glanced at each other before looking away again. Afraid was an understatement.

       As the day grew darker and it was getting closer to the time when everyone hunkered down for the night, (Y/N) found a spot between two of the large carriers in the vehicle wall to sit in. Needing a moment to get away from everyone.

      She glanced out to the further-off buildings, the roads leading to a freeway, and the rest of the vast parking lot of the wholesale store. A sigh escaped her.

'Yama, where are you..?' She thought to herself.

     It's been a couple of days now since they got separated. He said he will catch up. But where was he?

      She liked to think the time they spent together, they were able to form a bond. So being away from him made her feel... sad? Lonely?

      She had grown so used to his company that she couldn't imagine being without him. They were a team. Partners. He looked out for her and she did the same to him. The thought of something bad happening to him was eating her away. He was surrounded by Elitists before he pushed her away. Worst of all, Xed was there. Yama almost died to him already.

      She hugged her legs to her chest and kept her eyes on the buildings in the distance, hoping to see the doctor in one of the windows.

      Her heart was hurting. It almost makes her want to forget about the Zone and go back out there to find him herself. The Capturers weren't having too much success with their end of the deal anyways...

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