Chapter 42 - The Broken Heart

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"She hasn't left the cage..."

"What happened?"

"You're friend left and he wrote this note for her."

"Let me see..."

     (O/N) took the note from her daughter and started to read over it. Her and the rest of their team had just returned with good news about the Outsiders. But her daughter and nephew immediately rushed to her and told her about (Y/N).

      They were in the carrier that the demon girl had retreated to and placed herself in the back cages again to get away from everyone. She was huddled on the floor with her knees to her chest and hiding her face from the world.

       The Head Keeper read the note as sadness struck her as well. She was hoping that Yama was going to stick around this time. She missed him after so many years that seeing him again felt great.

       But she was mainly saddened for the demon girl. She knew that Yama had feelings for her but she didn't know if (Y/N) felt the same way about him. This broke the poor girl's heart...

"She won't leave the cage." B muttered as she watched her friend's figure from the other side of the carrier. "I tried bringing her food but she won't eat it. I tried talking to her but she won't listen to me."

"She's going through heartbreak..." (O/N) sighed as she folded the note back up and placed it into her pocket. "I'll try to talk to her but we should give her some space."

       B wanted to object to this but stayed quiet as her mother made her over to the cage. B looked up to her cousin unsurely and they gave her a shrug.

       (O/N) carefully approached the girl and the closer she got, she started to hear small sniffles. (Y/N)'s claws dug deeply into her pants and put small holes into them. She was shaking slightly as she quietly sobbed and seeing the sight made the older woman empathetic.

"Hey, sweetie..." (O/N) crouched down to sit on the ground outside of the cage, staying mindful of giving the demon girl some space.

       (Y/N) didn't respond to her. But her sniffling started to cease at the sound of the older woman's voice.

"I heard what happened. And I read what he... wrote. I'm so sorry, sweetie." (O/N) spoke with remorse.

        (Y/N)'s claws gripped her pants tighter before they started to loosen up and she took a deep breath. The Head Keeper watched her. It felt like having to comfort her daughter again after a girl she liked called her a freak. It was something the mother felt hurt by too but ultimately couldn't do anything about. She couldn't take away her daughter's abilities then and she can't bring back Yama now.

       She reached a hand out and placed it on (Y/N)'s shoulders, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Unfortunately, Yama's always been like this. As long as I knew him at least..."

       (Y/N) stayed silent but her lack of crying was a sign that she was listening.

"He's always been the loner type. Even when his brother was alive, Yama never tried to stay with him for too long." (O/N) recalled as she comforted the demon girl. "Right before he left after his brother's death... he said he wanted to find himself a beach. Somewhere demons couldn't bother him anymore. I didn't think much of it... but maybe I should've."

       That was his plan all along back then. She knew he had to have been hurting but he never let himself express it. Even now before he left again, he wouldn't let his emotions show. But (O/N) was able to notice cracks in the wall he was building. He may have grown accustomed to hiding his true emotions for his brother, but he wasn't able to hide them when it came to (Y/N).

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