Chapter 20 - The Guns

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*Tap Tap Tap Tap*

     A faint but loud enough to disturb sound came tapping against the window.

     It made the male demon wake up from his sleep and open his eyes to see a seagull tapping its beak against the window. It moved over to a broken portion of the glass and was able to stick its head through and let out a loud squawk that made the girl next to him jump awake.

      She quickly sat up from laying on her stomach and looked behind her, her half-awake mind thinking of the Elitists before she settled down once she saw the curious bird.

     It was daylight outside, probably close to the afternoon. They have both been asleep for hours.

      (Y/N) returned back to her sleep while Yama flicked his hand up which made the bird get slapped away from the window.

"That's bad luck." The girl mumbled.

      Yama was too tired to answer her nor did he care about her superstition.

      (Y/N) cuddled back into the pillow while she could hear Yama getting up and stretch. Soon he had left the bed and went to go start on his usual routine of checking the beach over again before starting anything.

      She should get up too. He could be needing her help. But she was too comfortable. She hasn't had this good of a place to sleep in so long.

      But she didn't want to be a freeloader. She used to hate when her dad's friends would spend nights at her home and not help out in the mornings. Hesitantly, she pushed herself up and stretched her limbs.

      When she left the room, she heard the side door open up, and in came her partner... carrying three dead seagulls in his hand.

      He checked the beach and saw nothing out of place. No new footsteps in the sand and none of his traps went off. He moved over to the kitchen to prepare the birds to eat when he looked up and met (Y/N)'s disappointed eyes.

     He kept her look as he placed the three birds onto a wooden board and grabbed a cleaver from the knife rack. "You want to eat or not?"

      The rest of the morning was spent eating breakfast the girl regretfully joined due to her hunger. She kept her focus on the map pinned to the wall to keep her mind off of her misdeed.

      She saw that Yama treated the map like the pages in his notebook. The beach was circled with a red marker while he had X'd off several blocks spanning from here to up the way they came.

       Subconsciously, she started looking around for her community. She found the mall and tried guessing the roads she must've took. She was so exhausted when she woke up in the mall, she could have been running for days. She could have covered miles.

       Giving up, she dropped her eyes down to a more denser part of the map. One that Yama had labeled 'the city' with a 'do not enter' under it. She's never seen such a huge place before. It took up an entire portion of the map.

"Have you ever been to the city?" She asked Yama who was sitting on the couch next to her going through the items he collected during the trip.

"Plenty of times." He threw away an old stopwatch that got busted in his bag. "It's full of demons, Zones, and humans pretending to be demons."

      That last part instantly caught her interest. "The Outsiders?"

      Yama looked up and raised an eyebrow. "You know them?"

"My community worked with them." She explained as she looked around the city for their base. "They gave us weapons, we gave them animals. That was our usual trade."

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