Chapter 58 - The Room

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"It's not Zankora! It's-" Yama exclaimed with his adrenaline still high as he entered the cell but stopped.

       After his escape, it was hard getting back. The Elitists were now on high alert from their leader being attacked and unable to kill the attacker. He had to be extra careful getting back which took longer than he expected.

       Thinking he was going to come back to see his partner, her friend, and Dog with Xed tied up waiting for him to return and give them what he's learned, instead, he came back to no one here. The cell was empty...

       The chains once holding Xed were on the ground. Broken and burned around the locks. Oh no...

'(Y/N).' He quickly started searching the other cells, the nearby halls, and even beyond the halls, but nothing. He placed his hands on his head as he could feel panic set in him for once. They're gone. She's gone. Was she ok? Did the Elitists get to her? Where were they?! He's never felt so anxious before that he had to take a few seconds to calm down and think.

      He told Dog to take the girls and run if anything were to happen while he was gone. Which could be the case.  But it also couldn't because Xed was gone as well. They would've either left him or at least kill the lunatic. Yama cursed to himself.

       With the asylum on high alert now, the chances of the three being found are higher. They would surely kill Dog and (O/N)'s daughter but not (Y/N). Zankoka made threats to punish her if she ever attempted to escape again...

       He needed to find them. Find her especially before it's too late.

       (Y/N) gritted her teeth as Xed dragged her down a hall by her neck before pulling them both to the side to hide from passing Elitists. The chains were wrapped tightly around her wrist and Xed held a firm grip on them as he waited for the Elitists to pass.

        She didn't know where he was dragging her. He hasn't said much about what his plan was to keep her out of the loop.

"Keep walking..." He muttered as he watched the passing Elitists leave before pulling on (Y/N) to force her to follow him as they crossed the hall.

       They had to have been in the lower floor of the asylum due to how dark the halls were with no windows to offer light. Only candles and torches lit the halls.

        He pulled her toward a back staircase and entered inside with the doors closing behind them. He glanced up in between the stairs and grinned suddenly, moving to climb up the first steps and tugging her along. "We're almost there, my sweet! Just a little more."

"Almost where..?" She huffed and tried turning her wrist from the metal digging into her skin.

"You'll see." There he goes being secretive again. "The sooner we get there, the better."

        Thunder erupted outside the walls of the asylum, enough that she could feel the vibrations even from down here. Xed seemed amused by the approaching storm, thrilled even. Nature was on his side. Giving him a storm that would be a great distraction to use.

        He forced her to climb up several flights of stairs until they eventually reached the top floor. She was still recovering from her blood loss so the toll the stairs had on her was greater than normal while Xed seemed fine of course. He didn't even give her time to catch her breath before leading her toward a set of doors and pushing them open to reveal a small hall than the other floors. He obviously had a set destination and pulled her toward a specific room labeled 'Director's Office'.

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