Chapter 9 - The Stable

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    Stepping over a log and crunching a stick underneath her boot, (Y/N) had exited a tree line and into the soft grass of yet another field. But when she lifted up her eyes, it wasn't just a field like all the others they had passed. It was a farm.

      Dirt roads, several large pens for animals, a farmhouse tucked away in the back with a stable next to it. She found herself gazing a bit too long at the once animal farm, she hadn't noticed Yama enter the clearing behind her. He too took a couple of seconds to view the quiet and isolated area before pushing himself to continue on. She had to remember to follow him once he started walking but she kept her eyes on the farm's structures and how vacant it looked.

"Do they live here?" She asked. Is this where he's meeting the person he's visiting? It didn't seem like anybody was around.

"You can say that." He muttered but didn't give her a clear answer.

     (Y/N) couldn't see his face but his tone sounded apprehensive. He kept quiet as usual but it wasn't the type of quiet she's been getting used to. It felt almost forced.

      They wandered onto a dirt path that connected to the rest of the farm. The way they were heading was towards a small patch of trees a good distance away from a stable. It was an area further off from the rest of the farm so maybe the person is waiting for them there.

      Her eyes moved to the stable once they started to pass it and a weird feeling began to wash over her.

      She slowed her step and hovered her sights over the large front doors that were barely hanging on. Both had dozens on dozens of holes in them that chipped away at the wood and left large gaps that showed the dark insides. There was this need to go in there suddenly. To open the doors and walk inside to who knows what was in there. The more she slowly followed Yama the more she wanted to turn on her heels and go up to see.

      But when her feet started turning, Yama's voice cut in that pulled her away from it. "Don't go in there unless you want to see him."

"Him?" Who did he mean? He didn't answer her and continued on into the patch of trees.

      She gave one last look to the stable before going to catch up.

      The center of the small patch of trees was a pretty sight. Shrubbery grew all inside that she had to maneuver around but she could imagine this spot on the farm would be nice to be in if it was still being maintained. She wondered if it was like this back before demons were around.

      Yama's hand flicked around and made the shrubbery and weeds break away from his path. Some tore out the ground from the roots while others got flattened into the earth. (Y/N) stuck to the path he was making but she started to feel worried about him. It's like she can tell his whole demeanor had changed. Her eyes stayed on his back and saw that even his posture had changed. He normally walked with a straight edge but now he was slouching a bit. The further they got into the center of the trees the more she noticed these changes.

      Finally, they reached the back of the small clearing and she looked around. But no one was here. She didn't hear anyone approaching or saw any signs that a person was even here. Just overgrowth and trees,

      Her arms moved to hug herself while she kept her eyes peeled. "Are they going to meet us here?"

      Silence was all she was answered with.

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