Chapter 4 - The Trailer

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     She killed that demon...

     Suffocated them with their own blood...

     (Y/N) stared at herself through the reflection of the lake water. Every few seconds she used the water to wash the blood off her arms but her eyes stayed trained on her reflection.

     She didn't feel like herself anymore. Even her eyes weren't like her one clear (e/c) ones. They were milky.

     Like a corpse.

     Yama stood further away from her, leaning against a brick wall that separated the lakeside from the road. This just got a whole lot more interesting.

      He took the time to search the Elitist's body for anything they may have had. Maybe a clue about what was going on. He didn't find anything but a weird makeshift pendant that brought a lot of memories back. But on the Elitist's arm was a large scar in the shape of a 'Z'. It had to have been stabbed deeply into the demon's arm to leave a scar behind.

      A 'Z', a weird pendant, a lunatic demon group. This can't be happening...

     He watched the girl sit up from her hunched position and pull her arms out of the water. Clean from blood.

     But the thought of what she had done didn't go away for her. Neither did it for Yama either.

     There was only one demon who could manipulate blood and he was dead.

     (Y/N) stumbled to her feet and wiped her tears from her eyes. Her body turned and she made eyes with Yama who was looking at her with so much caution.

      If he didn't think she was a threat, he must now.

"What did they do to you," He started. "To turn you into a demon?"

      They wrenched her mouth open.

      She clenched her head. Another flash went through her mind.

     They poured something black and rotten down her throat. Then she felt immense pain.

      Yama saw her squeeze her eyes tightly shut and get down to her knees in fear. Her wet hands gripped her (h/c) hair, wanting the memories to stop.

"Blood- the blood..." She gasped out. It burned like hers.

      She felt a hand carefully take her and guide her to her feet while she was fighting back the memories. If she was going go through this panic attack he at least needed to make sure they weren't out in the open where anyone can hear or find them.

       (Y/N) sniffed back her tears and followed Yama into some old restaurant after he got the door open. Someone must've tried to barricade it in the past with all the boards up on the windows and door. Once they were in he went to replace the board back on the door he had kicked down. Yama huffed a breath out after barricading the door back. If someone tried to sneak up on them again, they'll know.

"It was blood..." Came the girl's hoarse voice from her panic attack that was fading away.

      The male demon glanced back at her before going to check all the windows to make sure they were secured. "Do you know who's blood?"

      She leaned against a counter and hugged herself. "No..."

"What did they do with it?" He banged his fist against a board and felt it was sturdy.

      Her hand touched her neck. She'll never get that feeling out of her head. "They made me... drink it. It hurt so bad."

      Forcing her to turn by ingesting a demon's blood? This really wasn't good.

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