Chapter 27 - The Disturbance

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     (Y/N) watched the Ground dwellers work from the cot B had set up for her.

      Very few took breaks, they all worked around the clock and stayed on their tasks. From what she learned after being here, their guidance system became damaged during a demon attack. It led to them becoming lost before they discovered that the system was leading them off track.

     That's why they're here now at this temporary camp in the parking lot of an old wholesale store. Until the maintenance team can finish repairs, they weren't leaving anytime soon.

      (Y/N) has wanted to go back out there and find Yama. Just sitting still here, being questioned and prodded by the Ground dwellers was making her more anxious by the minute.

      It's only been a single day here. But all she could think about was him.

"Hey, sweetie."

      (Y/N) looked up to meet the yellow eyes of the Head Keeper who took a seat on her daughter's cot. The mother's eyes found the rather graphic comic books near the cots and rolled her eyes before turning back to the girl. "Just wanted to see how you're doing."

      Saying she was 'fine' would just be the biggest lie ever. She hasn't been fine in so long.

      She could say so many things instead but she only shrugged and looked down at her claws. "I don't know..."

"Would you mind if I asked you more about... what happened?" (O/N) carefully asked. "Your connection to Zankoku?"

"It's why they want me so bad." The girl muttered, referring to the Elitists. "I'm not going back."

"Do you remember where they took you? Any landmarks?"

       (Y/N) was going to say that she didn't but then she recalled when B had went into her memory. That large concrete room. So tall from the caved in floors above. She didn't remember that part until she saw everything from a different perspective. When (Y/N) mentioned the room to the Head Keeper and as much as she could remember, the older woman had a certain look on her face.

       Large concrete room? It sounded familiar.

"Do you mind if I take a look?" She asked the girl who immediately moved back on her cot and shook her head. "No! I don't want to see any of that again!"

      The Head Keeper held her hands up to calm the demon. "You don't have to. It'll only be for a second."

      Still, (Y/N) refused. She still didn't quite understand how a human could even gain demon abilities without being a demon. After what her daughter already did, (Y/N) didn't want to go through getting her mind read again.

      (O/N) saw that the girl was apprehensive about this. Only pushing her would make (Y/N) more uncomfortable so the older woman sighed and dropped it. The demon pulled her legs to her chest and avoided meeting the older woman's eyes. She'll help them in any way she can but not that. Anything but that.

"You know, you don't seem like Zankoku at all. I hope they aren't thinking that." The Head Keeper openly thought.

"How do you know..?" She doesn't seem like Zankoku?

      The older woman looked down as her mind wandered back so long ago. "I've had my own troubles with him. I'm sure you must be confused about," She gestured to her eyes and hands that held black veins. "This."

       (Y/N) hadn't noticed the hands until now. She slowly nodded.

"It's a long story. A rather troubling one. But the demon who tried to possess me happened to be a demon that Zankoku knew. And that he wanted to use for their abilities. And when he saw that I had them, he wanted to turn me into a demon so he can use me too."

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