Chapter 38 - The Appreciation

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     With the help of Edith's directions and a route to get around all of the abandoned cars, the Zone was now able to make the trip to the island.

     They were to go once the next day came in order to plan properly. Another camp will be set up just a few blocks away from the Outsiders and they were going to stick to the original plan of only approaching with a smaller group. The Head Keeper was the one to assure everyone involved in planning that the people were friendly. It made (Y/N) wonder why she even thought this but everyone seemed to trust her so she did too.

      As (Y/N) was packing up her cot, she held a long stare at the one her partner occupied.

'Partner...' She looked away. Someone else can come to collect it.

      As she stepped around it, her boot kicked something that almost made her trip. When she looked down, sticking out from underneath Yama's cot was a duffel bag. Her duffel bag.

      She's forgotten about it up until now. Her arms reached down and pulled the bag out. She must've dropped it when they got separated.

      Her hand unzipped the flap and inside was her rifle and half-filled box of ammo. Her books Marsol gave her, and some other small stuff she was able to scavenge too.

       The duffel wasn't here any other time she was at the cots. She would've saw it if it was. Did he..?

       Thinking of the doctor, she looked around the disassembling camp for him. If he picked it up and left it here, why do it now?

      She slung the bag over her shoulder as she got up and carried her folded cot over to where the others were.

"Hey, sweetie." The voice of the older woman approached.

      (Y/N) gave her a small smile, one that was a little forced. "Hello."

"Is that all yours?" (O/N) asked, eyeing the duffel on the demon girl's back.

      She noticed the girl nodded but was hesitant to speak. "It's all my stuff I found before me and... Yama got separated."

"You two must've been everywhere then." The Head Keeper chuckled as she began to walk so (Y/N) followed.

"Yea..." Deciding to change the topic, (Y/N) thought of their eventual trip. "Are you going with them to the island?"

      The Head Keeper gave some quick orders to passing Keepers before turning back to her and nodding. "I have to. My husband tends to get a little too into negotiations. He needs me there."

       (O/N) chuckled which made (Y/N) develop a small smile. "You think I can come? My community has worked with there's before. Their leader knew my father."

"You're... not nervous?" The older woman asked, not wanting to point out the obvious.

      But (Y/N) took a deep breath and nodded. She's spent time thinking about this and it seemed like the beneficial thing to do. "If their leader knew my father, then he'll know me. If he sees what happened to me, maybe it'll help push our cause."

      That kind of thinking did make sense, but it still felt risky considering what the Outsiders do to demons. (O/N) didn't want her to put herself in danger of them. She sighed and looked at the demon girl like a concerned mother. "I don't know, sweetie. Let me think about it."

       All (Y/N) could do was nod and watch the Head Keeper leave to finish work. But not before she left a comforting grip on the demon's shoulder.

       Once she was gone, (Y/N)'s eyes gazed up and passed over a familiar figure at the vehicle wall. She nervously watched the figure on the outer side with a cigarette in his hand and leaning against a vehicle. She debated going over to him. What if he tries to leave her attempts at conversation again? What if he doesn't acknowledge her?

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