Chapter 44 - The Oblivious

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      The plans were ready. Preparations were complete. And agreements were made.

      They're going to battle.

      The Chief didn't expect to be doing so much talking with the Outsider leader to the point where he had to rework some of his original plans just to accommodate Miri. He made it clear that if the Chief wanted his partnership, he'll have to work for it.

       In the end, though, everything was settled. Miri and his people will meet them at the destination they agreed upon in a few days' time. A train yard that is only a couple miles away from the asylum according to maps. It's where Zone 11 and the Outsiders will meet them. And if Edith and her group come out too, they'll see them there as well.

       But all in all, this should be enough to take on the Elitists. The Chief was more confident now about the battle. So now he got to move on to the next phase. Getting to the train yard.

       B was on watch duty near the camp's entrance as Miri and some of his people were leaving. Unlike her father, she still wasn't completely comfortable around these people. The way they were just wearing demon parts like it was normal unnerved her.

       She felt eyes on her again and glanced around until she met the Outsider who was watching her earlier except her mask was positioned above her head, revealing her face. She had dark skin and hair that was in braids. But also a smugly confident air to her that made B narrow her eyes. The Outsider sized her up before she continued walking out the gate.

"Do you have a staring problem or what?" B questioned.

"Oh, I've just never seen a human with yellow eyes before." The Outsider as she stopped and faced B. "And since you all seem to let demons in your space, it makes me wonder."

'Oh, here we go again.' B huffed as she positioned her gun over her shoulder. "Whatever you're thinking of saying, keep it yourself 'cause I heard enough of it already. Thanks."

"Is that right?" The Outsider kept her brown eyes on B's and leaned against the truck.

       The Capturer started to feel suspicious as she felt the Outsider's eyes examine her. What was this girl's problem?

       It seemed like the Outsider noticed B's suspicion and smirked. "Learn to loosen up. I'm not pointing a gun at you. Are all you Ground Dwellers this uptight?"

"No, it's just the demon face you're wearing on your head that makes me a little creeped out. Don't you think that's barbaric?" B questioned as she placed a hand on her hips and glared at her.

       But the Outsider simply shook her head. "Someone as sheltered as you wouldn't understand. We don't have the fancy equipment or gear you're so privileged enough to have. We live in two different worlds. We're not the same."

"Sheltered?!" B angrily spoke. Was this chick implying that she was weak? B pushed closer to the Outsider and got into her face and noticed how she didn't even budge as she continued to smirk. B glared into her. "I am not sheltered! I went through shit that you wouldn't understand! You don't know me, you demon-pretending creep!"

"A shame." The Outsider smoothly spoke and crossed her, not the least intimidated by her. But she was looking over her while B snapped at her.

"I'm not someone you can talk down to so don't even try it with me 'cause I will sort you out! So why don't you just keep walking and go back to your little ramshackle island and we'll stay out of each other's way because you're really becoming annoying right now!" Who did this chick think she was? B couldn't stand people judging her and looking down at her and she wasn't going to take it from some Topsider who wore dead demons like a t-shirt.

"Are you always this easily angered?" The Outsider chuckled, which only made B even more enraged.

"You fucking-" B cursed as she got ready to swing but was cut off.


       The Outsider turned her head and glanced back at Miri once he started calling her. "Yea, Pa?"

"Let's get going." The older man ordered, seeing his kid bothering a Capturer that they didn't have time for. "Leave that girl alone!"

       The Outsider, now known as Max, turned back to B and smiled smugly at her. "Yes, sir."

      The Capturer seethed at her as she brought her fist back down. She was Miri's daughter? And B almost punched her? Was this chick trying to start an unnecessary conflict between their groups?

      Max started walking backward toward her people as she kept her eyes on the angry Ground Dweller. "I'll be seeing you~."

      B glared as she watched her go, not picking up on anything Max was saying. "I fucking hope not."

      Once the Outsiders had left, B went back to her watch position but now she was in a bad mood.

'That smug chick. Who does she think she is talking to me like that?!'

       But then B started to hear chuckling and turned to see her cousin join her on watch. He was in disbelief and gave her a 'really?' look.

"What's so funny?" She narrowed her eyes at him before looking away.

"You ain't notice?" Tyr asked.

"Notice what?" B huffed.

       Tyr shook their head at their oblivious cousin. "She was clearly flirting with you. You didn't notice that at all?"

       B's eyes widened as she turned towards her cousin. But then she started to wave him off. "What?! No, she wasn't! She was trying to piss me off!"

       But Tyr went to where the Outsider once was and leaned against the vehicle the same way she did. He pointed at the ground in front of him where B stood and she huffed before going back to her previous spot too.

"Say to me what you told her." Tyr was trying to hold back his amusement. "We're reenacting."

      But B didn't find this amusing at all as she glared at him. "You don't know me. And she doesn't!"

"A shame." Tyr used the same smooth tone the Outsider had with crossed arms and couldn't hold back his laughter after that.

       Especially when he saw B's soon shock faced once she began to realize. The tone, her smiles, her posture.

"Oh god, she was flirting..." B mumbled.

"Obviously! What did you think she was doing?" Tyr laughed.

"I-" B began to stutter as a blush crept onto her face. "Shut up! You're so annoying!"

      They leaned against her as they tried to settle down from laughing so hard. Watching the interaction was already amusing enough, especially seeing B not pick up on any of it. "We need to work on your social cues."

"Get off me!" B shimmied her cousin off of her as she tried to hide her blush from him.


Author's note:

If I can't have Miri x (O/N), then I'm gonna have B x Max. They'll take on the ship for their parents😭

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