Chapter 53 - The Answer

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"So what's the plan?" B asked as her yellow eyes glowed to keep Xed in a trance.

     After coming back to reality and not finding much useful information in his memories, Xed was sitting on the floor with his eyes locked onto B's, keeping him in a frozen state for now.

"Either we sit here and wait for the battle to start," Yama spoke. "Or try to get out early. We're not sure when the Zones will even get here."

     (Y/N) was carefully wrapping Yama's hand with a strip of fabric she ripped off her flannel. He would flinch every few seconds if she wrapped it a bit too tightly and each time she gave a quick 'sorry'. But he always reassured her that he was fine despite how worried she was for him.

"I wish I had my radio." B huffed and placed her hands on her hips. "If dad continues with the plan, it'll be in our best interest to wait. But who knows what these crazies are going to do in the meantime."

"We know that Zankora wants to wait until after the battle to use me for her plans..." (Y/N) muttered, feeling dreadful about that. "She sounded so sure that the Elitists will win."

"Not if we go after them first." The Capturer thought as a smirk appeared on her face.

      (Y/N) finished wrapping Yama's hand and tied a little knot to keep it secure. He took her hand into his left one and planted a kiss on it as thanks that she warmly smiled at. But hearing what B had said, they both turned to her as Yama narrowed his eyes a bit. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean," B tilted her head back to them but still kept her eyes on Xed. "What if we go after the root of all of them? Take out Zankora first. Getting rid of the leader can weaken the rest."

       (Y/N) looked at her friend in shock. "Go after Zankora first..? But that's impossible!"

"No it isn't. Before I came here, I managed to see her addressing everyone and she looked weak like she was going to collapse any second. Then she immediately ran into hiding before any of them can notice." B recalled. It was strange always hearing the Elitists speak of her as if she was a force to be reckoned with. But what B saw looked like a demon in a rush. She's sure that Zankora is strong, but seeing her so fragile got the Capturer thinking.

 "She has to have a weak point. Something that'll hinder her enough for us to strike. And if she does, that can help us out a lot." If they can discover what that weak point was that is, it can mean winning this fight.

"But what if she doesn't?" (Y/N) questioned, sounding a bit fearful of this. She wants to go after Zankora but she planned to do so alongside the Zones. "What if we're just running into trouble?"

"That could work." Yama spoke, making (Y/N) turn back to him in concern.

      Taking out the central force of the Elitists can weaken them. Zankora was their backbone and without her, it'll leave the rest struggling. But it can also be dangerous if Zankora is more than the three of them can handle. They could be running straight to their deaths if not prepared beforehand. But it did get Yama thinking.

"One of us will have to scope her out, find her weak point, return back, and then plan from there." The more prepared they are, the better. Yama liked this plan but it meant that it will have to be done carefully. They were still outmatched here afterwall.

 "Since I'm the only one who knows this place in and out," Yama stated as he got up from sitting on the bed. "I'll do it."

       Immediately, (Y/N) refused this. "No, we're not doing this!"

"Simply waiting for the team can allow anything to happen. Your friend has a point." Yama tried to explain but he can tell his partner still didn't agree to this. "You're their target and it's a miracle that they haven't sniffed your friend out yet. I'll go."

"Anything can happen to you too!" Her voice shook. He can't go. Not when they just reunited. "I just got you back..."

      He took her hands into his left one and held them close. He didn't want to leave her again but he wanted to get her out of this place as soon as possible. There weren't many options that they had right now but this seemed like the only one that'll keep her protected until the Zones finally showed up. Besides, he cared more about her safety than his.

"You'll get me back again. I'll be fine." He reassured her, seeing her emotions and fear building up again. "Just stay here and I'll be back. But don't let him leave this cell. He can rat us out."

       At Yama's gesture toward an entranced Xed, she glanced over and narrowed her eyes at him. He was a huge reason for any of this even happening in the first place.

       Her eyes fell to the floor as she faced Yama again and held his hand closer to her chest. She knows that he has been here before, he used to work for Zankoku after all. But he only had one good hand and the Elitists won't hesitate to kill him if they found him loose. She didn't want to think about the worse outcome but she couldn't help the images of fire and dying screams to remind her of what she lost.

      Deep down she knew that B's plan could be beneficial to the fight but the fear of losing anyone to it was still there. And she especially couldn't lose him.

"Just be safe..." She whispered as she practically hugged Yama's arm close to her.

"I will." He whispered as he leaned his head against hers. He loved her and was determined to return to her at all costs. No matter what.

      While B couldn't see them since she kept her eyes on Xed's, she can hear just how in love they were. It made her feel less inclined to hate Yama since it seemed like he finally came to his senses.

      The partners pulled apart and Yama began to leave. He wasn't a stranger to being stealthy. He snuck around the asylum before. Maybe he can try grabbing a disguise like B's that'll really help him out. But his focus was to discover what Zankora's weak point was so that they can exploit it.

      As he got to the cell door, he heard feet running up to him and turned around to see (Y/N) throwing her arms around his neck and quickly him down into a kiss.

      Her lips planting against his took him off guard, staggering a bit from her sudden action. She held him tightly, almost desperately, and made their first kiss count before he left.

      But soon the doctor fell into the kiss and moved to deepen it. His left hand rested against her waist to pull her closer. Their lips moved in sync together and it made the world slow down around them for what felt like a long time but was only seconds.

      They finally pulled away after what felt like an eternity and (Y/N) buried her face into the crrok of his neck, not wanting to let him go. He didn't want her to anyways.

"Come back to me... please." She whispered.

"I promise." He whispered back.

      He's never felt such strong love for someone before as he was with her now. She's changed his views completely. This world was a cruel place that took so much from him but by some luck, he managed to find her...

     He used to think isolating himself and not allowing anyone to come close was the answer. But it wasn't.

     She was.

     He unwantedly let go of her and she quickly missed their embrace. Yama stepped back into the hall, the warm lighting of the torches bouncing off of him as their eyes lingered on one another. Together in his cabin for the rest of their unforgiving lives was something they both wanted.

      He pointed a finger to the entranced Elitist inside the cell, one that Yama wouldn't mind killing at this moment if Xed wasn't useful, with furrowed eyes. "Remember. Don't let him leave."

      She took a deep breath and glanced back at Xed. He won't get the chance to make a single step. "I won't."

      With that, Yama turned to leave. He wasn't planning on dying soon.

      And he for sure wasn't planning on letting the Elitists hurt his partner ever again.

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