Chapter 49 - The Love

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     (O/N) was busy talking with her Keepers when she noticed the small team who went to scope out the train yard had finally returned.

     She dismissed her Keepers and began walking toward them. They've been gone for over an hour. They should be moving into the train yard by now.
But Axel was able to reach the trucks first and met up with Jules who had a look of anger, frustration, and pain on his face. It made (O/N) stop in her tracks.

"What's going on..?" (O/N) asked as she moved closer to them. Her eyes looked around the trucks, seeing other Capturers get out who were either injured and needed medical help or who were still able and immediately getting to work. But she didn't see her daughter or (Y/N). "Where are the girls?"

     Before her husband could speak, an injured Dog came stumbling out from the last truck while clutching his injuries. (O/N) saw him and immediately rushed toward him. "Dog!?"

     The spider demon flinched when he felt her carefully inspect him as she always does when he got injured but this time he couldn't look her in the eyes. He was filled with shame and fear. When she tried asking him what happened, he couldn't speak...

"They took them..." Jules lowly spoke, his fist clenched tightly around his gun. "They took her..."

"What..?" (O/N)'s heart dropped and the sound of her heartbreak made Dog feel evermore guilty.

       Jules slammed his gun onto the hood of the truck. Axel had a horrified expression and looked to the rest of the team that had gone out. "What do you mean they took them? The Elitists? What happened down there?!"

"They were waiting for us! Except this time it wasn't like their other attempts at ambushing us. They had a demon who was stronger than we expected." Jules exclaimed. They were lucky that none of them were killed when trains began to move in an attempt to crush them and corner them off. "But they separated us from (Y/N) and Blythe was with her. Dog ran to find them but when we found him, he was pinned to the wall by metal and the girls were gone!"

      A horrified gasp came from the Head Keeper. Jules immediately went to comfort her but he needed to make plans quick. Those crazed demons had his daughter.

"Shit..!" Axel cursed. "We need to go now! If they touch that girl-"

"Half our team is already out of commission. We'll just be throwing ourselves to them." Jules gritted his teeth while holding his wife close. She didn't want to imagine what horrid plans they had for (Y/N) but she especially didn't want to imagine what they were going to do with her daughter. What if they learn about her abilities? What if they tried to turn her the same way Zankoku tried to do so long ago? What if they kill her?! What if they-

       (O/N) soon had a pained look on her face as her hand went to clutch her heart. Memories from so long ago, the fear of being kidnapped and not knowing what your fate holds. The stress from the situation was beginning to take a toll on her.

      Her husband and Axel both looked at her in worry and Axel immediately went to go find a doctor.

      Dog couldn't help but feel responsible knowing that both (Y/N) and B would say he wasn't. But he was the last one with them and felt responsible of their safety at that moment. He allowed himself to freeze up and that caused both girls to get taken away by the Elitists.

"We'll get them back." Jules leaned closer to his wife and held her tightly, hoping that this didn't put too much pressure on her heart. "We know where the asylum is, that's where they took them. Blythe is capable in these situations. W need to have faith in her."

"But what if they change her? What if they hurt her? She's not a demon!" (O/N) choked as her emotions rise up. "My baby..."

"They're not..." Dog muttered, making the parents turn back to him. Dog made promises to both girls to keep them safe. This was hurting him just as much as the parents. "I'll go after them. I'll get them back..."

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