Chapter 31 - The Realization

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After everything was calm, the Zone set up a temporary camp to get everyone who was injured patched up and to plan accordingly.

The Capturers who went after the fleeing Elitists, unfortunately, returned empty-handed. While they did dwindle down the huge number of them, they weren't able to get them all. But they came out on top with no fatalities which were what really mattered to the Chief.

(Y/N) hissed in pain as a medic was stitching up the large cut she gave herself. The medic had to wear special gloves to keep her blood from harming them. Yama was going to do it himself but the Zone got to her first. So instead he stood with her.

"What happened?" She asked him. "You got away? Did they hurt you?"

Was she really more worried about his well-being than hers right now? That same concern she's always held for him. Yama shook his head. "They chased me for a bit but I got away. Took longer than expected."

That was a lie. Getting away from the Elitists was easier than fighting them. He could've found her sooner but after seeing her with the Zone, he decided to extend the time. After a lot of thinking and trying to come to a conclusion on how he felt about her came up with nothing. He still couldn't decide.

He only really came back when he saw the massive group of Elitists targeting the Zone. He knew a fight would ensue and likely (Y/N) getting caught by them. He was only going to stay from a distance and help her but after hearing her painful scream from them trying to incapacitate her with the toxic blood, his body moved on its own.

He felt the sudden need to protect her and before he knew it, the Capturers saw him. And then she did. There was no turning back after that.

He expected their reunion to go about in different ways. Maybe she would be angry that he took so long, or she'll give him a smile and say that she was happy he was back.

But he didn't expect her to hug him so tightly and cry into his shoulder. Normally he would've been so uncomfortable with such close contact but if felt different with her. No matter how many times she unknowingly went against his boundaries, it always felt different with her.

That moment made him realize that he missed her too. He's never felt so alone as he did during the time that they were separated. It confused him but at the same time, it felt right just to stand near her. To be close to her. It felt like there was a hole in his chest that only she could fill and seeing that she was safe gave him relief.

These feelings. The ones he couldn't put a word to.

They worried him.

The medic finished applying the stitches and made quick work of the bandages. Soon (Y/N) was being told to give her arm rest and let her body do the healing. The scratches she got were already nearly gone.

But once she was free to stand, she ignored the medic's orders and went to go inspect her partner herself, having to reach her arms up to hold his face and turn his head to look for injuries. He could be hiding some to not worry her for all she knows. She was pretty close to him and that concerned look was so evident in her expression.

Yama couldn't help himself but stare into her eyes despite his head being turned in all directions. Simply giving in to her inspection. Giving in so easily to her.

(O/N) was approaching, hoping she can catch up with her old friend after 20 years. But she stopped after seeing how close the two demons were.

(Y/N) had moved to his arms and chest, hoping to not find any bandages to tell that he was injured. All she could think about were the Elitists injuring him and that being why it took him so long to find her. He was out of breath when he showed up. She wasn't going to take his word and instead wanted to see for herself that he was fine. Even if it meant feeling up his body which was making her flustered.

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