Chapter 50 - The Address

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Small Violence Warning ⚠️ 


     An Elitist was patrolling the outside perimeter of the asylum as usual. There were three others nearby watching their own sides of the property.

      But they started to feel like there were eyes on them. They glanced out into the trees of the forest up ahead and narrowed their eyes. Something was there, they can sense it.

      The Elitist hopped down from the wall it was on and walked closer to the forest, not seeing the figure come up behind them until it was too late. They were pulled into a headlock with a knife shoved into their throat before they can yell out for help. They struggled for a minute until the Elitist finally went limp and was dropped to the ground.

      Heavy breaths came from B as she wiped her knife on the Elitist's pants before grabbing their black robe and tossing it over herself. She was able to make her way here and stay undetected. All she needs now was a disguise and a way inside to find (Y/N). She grabbed the dead Elitist's legs and dragged the body into the trees to keep it hidden.

'Head for the cells and keep out of sight. Demons can smell humans.' Rueben instructed.

"Dad better give me a promotion for this..." B muttered as she pulled the robe's hood on and looked back down at the dead Elitist and the... skull mask they wore.

     The Capturer felt a disgusted shiver run up her spine as she leaned down to pull the mask off the demon's face. The skull had fangs so it wasn't from a human at least... It was still foul.

      Back inside of the asylum, Xed made his way through the asylum carrying a large rope with a hook attached to it with him. He passed by other Elitists who looked at the rope and hook and knew what he was planning to do. They almost felt bad.

"Hey. What are you doing?" Came the voice of Indi as she caught up to him.

      Xed grinned at what he was planning to do. "I'm gonna go have some fun with my new friend. Why?"

"Mother wants us in the throne room to discuss the humans. You'll have to do that later." Indi stated and a look of disappointment cross his face as he pouted like a child. "But Indi..."

"No buts, now let's go. You know she hates waiting." The smaller demon ordered. Xed let out a dramatic sigh as he dropped the rope and hook and turned to follow his sister to the throne room.

      Mother hates waiting but so did Xed, especially now when he had a personal job to do.

      He was on his way to start the first step to his plan which is getting rid of the doctor. He knows that if he just left Yama alive, there's a chance he can follow them if he ever escaped the asylum on his own. And Xed wasn't too comfortable with that. The doctor was a smart cookie after all. He has to go.

      Then once the doctor was gone, (Y/N) will be nice and vulnerable for Xed to swoop in and comfort. Sure, she'll probably try killing him herself but his sweet will only risk getting herself infected again. She can simply push the blood out but not if he aims for somewhere vital.

      He'll make her submit and she'll learn to love him. Who wouldn't love him with the amount of work he's doing?

      Then it'll be the next step which is to play along with Mother and the others until the battle began.

       Everyone will be so focused on the fight and not so focused on (Y/N) that it should give him the perfect chance to slip her out using the secret tunnel underneath the building. It'll take them far away from the fight and the two of them will live happily ever after for the rest of their unforgiving lives.

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