Chapter 48 - The Mother

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Slight Injury Warning ⚠️

"Get up."

B's eyes slowly crept open as she felt a ringing in her head. They closed again as she almost slipped back into unconsciousness.

"Get up, Blythe." The deep and raspy voice of the old man in her head spoke.

She groaned as her fingers moved across a rusty metal floor. She struggled to use her arms to push herself up as she slowly opened her eyes again.

"Get to the door before they notice." Reuban instructed.

She managed to get to her knees and saw that they were inside a metal train car. It slightly leaned onto its side and she began to make out voices from outside. Her head was in pain from how hard she hit it as her fingers went to rub the area that was the most painful, she pulled back to see blood on them.

(Y/N) wasn't too far away. She was still unconscious and sitting against the wall with her head slumped over. She was also bleeding from her head and had small bruises on her skin from being dragged across the ground.

"(Y/N)!" B quickly whispered as she carefully moved toward her but the man in her head made her stop. "Leave her."

"What?!" B was shocked by this. "I'm not leaving her!"

"You can't save both of you right now. She's going to drag you down." Reuban stated.

"I'm not leaving her!" B grunted at the voice.

"She's their target. Once they find you in here, they'll kill you. But if you escape now without them noticing, you'll have a chance to live and save her later." The old man wasn't easily giving up on (Y/N). But he needed B to stay alive first. "Get to the door before they notice."

B was having internal conflict as she looked from (Y/N) to the slightly opened door of the train car. The lock was broken from the force that was used on it, giving her the chance to slip out quickly. But she didn't want to leave her friend here. She can't carry (Y/N) out without the Elitists noticing. And she couldn't deny the fact that her friend would only be a deadweight if they caught her.

B let out a frustrated breath as she reached over to squeeze her friend's hand. "I'll be back. Just stay alive."

"You have to go now." Reuben spoke. "Don't be too loud."

She let go of (Y/N)'s hand and started carefully crawling toward the large metal door of the train cart. She took a peek outside through the gap in it and saw that they were moving down a dirt road. The forest was to the right while large fields of tall grass and wildflowers were to the left. It was still nighttime but slowly getting brighter and she didn't see the train yard anywhere. She started to become worried about her team. Even more worried about Dog and her father.

There weren't any Elitists behind the train car so she carefully wrapped her fingers around the door and slowly pushed it to avoid loud creaks. She heard voices on the other side. One voice belonged to that guy with creepy grey eyes who had the doctor's hair in his hand and the other was a low and ragged voice that slowly spoke and she could feel the old man in her head listening closely to it.

Once the door was opened enough, she gave (Y/N)'s unconscious body one last before slipping out. She jumped to the ground and quickly rushed to go hide behind some bushes when her landing wasn't exactly the quietest.

"What was that?" One Elitist spoke as they all stopped.

B held her breath steady and got prepared for the worse. She didn't have her gun or taser on her. The most she could do was depend on her abilities to help her escape.

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