Chapter 25 - The Questioning

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    It's been a few hours since that Capturer left. Way more hours since (Y/N) was separated from Yama.

     She curled up in the furthest corner of the small cell with her knees to her chest and arms hugging her form. All she could do was stare at the ground and wait for whatever fate brings her.

     She didn't even want to look at the demon in the cell next to her. Petrified that it'll be her next.

     A door slid open and shut once footsteps entered the space. (Y/N)'s eyes immediately darted up and she tried pushing herself back even more into the corner.

     In came that human girl again, but she was followed by two men. One that she resembled a bit while the other had tanned skin, messy dark hair that was tied up somewhat, and a beard that was starting to grey.

"You're sure about what you saw?" Said the dark haired man looked down at the girl.

"100%. They had the skulls." The girl exclaimed. She seemed pumped about this.

      The first man walked up to the glass and (Y/N) fearfully kept her eyes on him. On his Capturer uniform was the name tag 'Captain Killwater' while the other guy was 'SC. Driks'. They both stood near the glass while the girl hung back. She would take glances at the demon but when (Y/N) went to look at her, the human girl looked away.

     Her eyes were still yellow. Not glowing like before but they were still not human like.

     The Captain crouched down to the floor to be eye leveled with the demon who put her eyes back on him. "My name is Captain Killwater of Zone 12, you are currently under lockup until we can get you examined by our Head Keeper. But for now, we would like to ask you a few questions about what my daughter saw in your memories."

     That's his daughter? That must be why they had a resemblance.

     (Y/N) didn't say anything as they all watched her. If she said the wrong thing...

"Look, I know you're scared but we aren't going to harm you unless you plan to harm us. The sooner we get through this, the sooner our Head Keeper can look you over and you'll be free to go."

     They'll let her go? Just like that? When the Captain saw the demon raise up a bit, he continued.

"My daughter said the first memory she saw was in a Topsider community. You were there, but now you're here. Can you help explain that?" The Captain spoke.

    (Y/N)'s words were caught in her throat. If they were going to let her go, she should be fine but Yama told her to not say anything. And they know about Zankoku. If they hear that she has his abilities, would they changed their minds and kill her?

     Seeing the demon was having trouble speaking, the Captain continued. "She also saw the Elitists too. We're a part of an initiative to investigate these Elitists and potentially eradicate them all and the source of them. They have been causing trouble to Topsider communities, our fellow Zones, and confirmed demons. But we don't have a solid lead on what they want or where they are. It's why we need this information from you."

    He leaned closer to the glass with a serious look that made (Y/N) shrink away. "You help us, then we can help you. Is that a deal?"

     Could they... help her find Yama? That's all she cares about right now. She needed to know if he was alright. So, hesitantly, she nodded. The man leaned back, ready to listen.

      She started with the very beginning. How the Elitists raided and destroyed her home. Killed her friends and family or turned them into demons. She had to hold back her emotions when talking about it, especially after being forced to witness everything all over again. It felt like a wound that was slowly healing was cut open again.

Shudders: RetributionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara