Chapter 21 - The Moment

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"From now on, don't tell anyone about your connections to the Elitists." Yama told her as they arrived back at the cabin.

"Even the humans?" Back at the library, she kept the more sensitive details of what happened to her from Marsol after hearing he used to work for Zankoku. He was kind to her but would he have still been kind if he knew the blood of his old master was inside of her?

"Even the humans." Yama stated. "They know about Zankoku and know that he is dead. If they knew about you, they wouldn't risk letting him come back."

Great way to make her fear getting caught by the Zones now. First the Elitists, now the Ground dwellers.

"Word can get back to Zankora too if the wrong demon hears. Better to just not say anything at all."

(Y/N) sighed and placed her rifle on the kitchen counter once they got inside. She hopped up to sit on the counter and watched Yama lock the side door. She hasn't thought about it yet but what will Zankora do if she never catches her? Xed made it clear back on the farm that she was the key to their whole plans. Someone as important as her, they wouldn't let get away so easily.

"Do you think Zankora will ever give up?" She asked the doctor. "If I just stayed away long enough?"

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. They have no trouble attacking human communities. We have to assume they're not going to stop for anything." Yama stated. A group as vicious as them? No way they'll let someone like her go.

Her eyes sadly fell to the ground, realizing that she'll be on the run for the rest of her life for as long as the Elitists were still around. She won't ever feel truly safe if they were a constant threat around every corner, everywhere they go.

But since coming to Yama's cabin, she has been able to relax somewhat. She hasn't been here for long but Yama's constant reassurance that no one can find this place seems to be right so far.

"Tomorrow I'll head out to check where that Zone went. I need to know if they're going to be a problem or not." Yama went back to the couch and took a seat where he originally was sitting before the commotion.

(Y/N) hopped off the counter and went to go join him again. "I'll go too."

He glanced at her once she sat down before going back to sorting through his things. "You can stay here. It won't be long."

She looked at him in disbelief. "But someone has to watch your back. Especially after you killed three seagulls."

Yama turned to her and deadpanned but she was completely serious and her expression showed it. "For all we know, the Elitists finding us at the farm could've been because you killed those geese. Or when you got injured and almost died."

"Or maybe that's just life and not your imagination." He shook his head.

She scoffed at him. "It's not my imagination! It's real!"

"So when we leave tomorrow, you'll shoot the seagulls dragging my body away or stand there scared to be next?"

She glared at the unbothered demon while he threw some more junk away from his bag. He was going to learn one day that her superstitions were real and not a joke. And she'll be there to say she told him so.

Deciding to stop entertaining him, she grabbed one of the books that Marsol let her have and got up to go read in his bed to spite him. He noticed where she was heading and looked up. "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere." She muttered.

She only got as far as the bathroom before she felt her body be lifted into the air and hovered back towards the couch. She gasped when her boots left the ground and glanced back to see Yama with his hand out as he directed her back to the couch. Once she was floating over it, he let go and felt her fall against the hard cushion. "But you said I could-"

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