Chapter 14 - The Skull

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"Wake up, my sweet."

    Cold fingers traced over her face and down her jawline until they stopped just before her lips.

    Her eyes tiredly trickled open but she was too weak to fully open them. She felt every bone in her body ache, every muscle contort and contract. Her skin felt ice cold but burning hot at the same time, she felt numb but she also felt every ounce of pain too. With eyes half-lidded, she could only see blurs. It was dark with only faint warm light glowing somewhere and a dark figure standing in front of her.

     Where was she? What was going on?

     She was laying on her side with her face pressed into her arm. She was like this for hours...

     The cold fingers traced over her lips and pushed her upper lip up to see her fangs. She couldn't do anything to get away. It was like she was trapped in her own flesh. Even breathing felt difficult to do.

"Your transformation is coming along nicely." The voice whispered, it sounds familiar. "But you must be in so much pain."

      Each breath she took let out a small wheeze. There was a ringing in her ears that wouldn't stop.

      She let out a raspy groan when two arms snaked underneath her and lifted her up. The person held her against their chest and started carrying her. As they walked, her head fell back and all she could make out was dusty concrete walls that were illuminated by that same warm light.

"Wait till mother sees how you're coming along." The voice giggled.

     'Xed..?' She never saw him clearly. But he was always coming around and spending so much time with her that she memorized his voice. On occasion, others would call him Xed.

     Her head was pushed back up by his arm that was holding her and she was able to see his face. Shaggy black hair, ash white skin, and grey eyes. Her vision blurred again as a sharp pain went through her skull. She groaned and fell limp again which made the demon carrying her coo at her pain and lay his head against hers. "Aw, I know it hurts, my little monster. But soon you'll feel so much better."

     They arrived somewhere and stopped just before a door. He held her body tighter and soon a small kiss was placed on her forehead.

"Xed, sir." A different voice. "She's waiting."

"I'm aware." Xed mumbled as he took in her scent. She felt so nice in his arms that he didn't want to let her go. He hoped he'll be able to continue holding her like this once her body finished its transformation. She was just so weak and helpless now that he can't not keep her close to him. She was just so perfect. 

     Doors opened and (Y/N) had to close her already half-lidded eyes when a bright light shone down from above. It made her irises throb and another pain shoot through her skull.

"There she is!"

"Is that really her?"

"You think she's like the King? She doesn't look like it at all."

     Her ears made out so many whispers and mumbles. They all talked about her. Questions and curiosity filled the room once she was brought into it. But she felt Xed stop walking and so did all of the voices. It was painfully silent. No one dared make a sound.

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