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"yn, get up

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"yn, get up."

yn waved her hand to silence whatever was making this annoying noise.

"hit me again, and you're dead."

she sighed and sat up straight on her bed. she rubbed her eyes angrily before opening them to find hiroto standing right next to her.

"what do you want?"

she yawned and grabbed her phone to see what time it was. it was only 9 a.m., and there was no logical reason to be awoken at such an ungodly hour on a saturday.

"your alarm has been going off and on for about half an hour."

"what alarm..."

her tone showed how annoyed she was, which made hiroto punch her head without warning. she didn't have any reason to be annoyed at him, so if she already sounded annoyed, he decided to give her one. she deserved it after waking him up at such an ungodly hour on a saturday.

"ouch... hit me again and you're dead."

she pushed her legs out of bed, looking for her fluffy slippers, still wondering why she had set the alarm for saturday. it finally hit her.

"oh my god! move!"

yn quickly grabbed her clothes, which she had placed on her desk the night before, and pushed her brother out of the way.

when she was walking home with suna the day before, he told her that he had a surprise for her and asked her to meet him at 10 a.m. in front of school. she tried to sweet talk information from him, but he refused and told her to wait. she was terrible at waiting! thinking about what kind of surprise it could be kept her awake last night, which is why she missed her alarm.

every possible scenario ran through her mind, keeping her awake until 2 a.m. every single idea, even if it was absurd, because suna would never do anything like that, even if she maybe wanted to, made her think about ten more, and it was simply too many thoughts for her small brain.

she was few steps from school, when she saw text message from suna.


yn, please tell me you didn't forget

it was pointless to text him back because she was almost there. yn hated texting while walking because she was always tripping over something because she wasn't looking where she was going, and she didn't want texting suna back to slow her down.

"i'm so sorry for being late!"

she whined as soon as she saw suna standing in front of the school gate, just as he had promised. she was only a few minutes late, but it made her feel awful. she could swear that she saw suna sighing in relief the moment he saw her.

"i woke up late, and my mom made me eat breakfast if i wanted to leave..."

"that's good you ate, and don't worry, you're not that late. let's go."

"how come my surprise involves school?"

"you'll see."

"ah, tell me already!"

"you're so impatient, ln, can't even wait few minutes."

suna lightly shook his head and slowed down to stand behind yn and place his hands on her eyes. it caught her off guard and caused her to stop walking.

"go on."

she heard his voice behind her and it took her a second to compose herself and continue her walk. it was a cold morning, and his hands were warm. his breath was also warm on her neck.

yn wanted to know why she needed her eyes closed and why he chose to do it himself rather than asking her. he had to have known she'd sneak a peek if not for that.

"here, your surprise."

he took his hands back, and the first thing she saw was bokuto in super-hero pose in front of the gym, accompanied by atsumu and akaashi. everyone expected yn to hug bokuto right away, but instead she turned around to face suna and hugged him instead.

"what about me?!"

bokuto was clearly 'upset' by this reaction. they hadn't seen each other in like... six days... and she hadn't hugged him or cried about how much she missed him...

suna patted her head slowly, squinting his eyes at atsumu, who took out his phone and probably took some photos of auna's red face. annoying ass motherfucker.

"we can hug later, go."

he smiled at her and patted her back before she ran off to bokuto, just as he intended.

"what are you doing here, bo?"

"we have a short practice camp in hyogo right now, and what would a visit to hyogo be without playing with inarizaki's team? and you didn't see me play for too long! it was the ideal occasion for a surprise! ahh, you're going to love it, i'm great, and akaashi is the coolest setter ever!"

bokuto quickly wrapped his arm around yn and led her inside the gym to introduce her to the rest of his team, just to brag about being their captain.

"you're so red."

"shut up."

"why is suna so red?"

suna groaned loudly and punched osamu, who was unaware that he had basically repeated what his brother had said to suna before the two of them entered the gym.

"he's just been hugged by his crush."

atsumu wiped the tear from his eye and wrapped his arm around suna's shoulders.

"fuck off."

"leave our loverboy alone, he's gonna score all the points today for us to show off."

"oh, come on!"


𝙍𝘼𝙄𝙉𝙔 𝙒𝘼𝙇𝙆𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙍𝘼𝙄𝙉𝙔 𝙆𝙄𝙎𝙎𝙀𝙎 // 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙖 𝙧.Where stories live. Discover now