Scene 5- Juliette's First Flashback

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Juliette's POV- Age 8

The boys were playing video games. And I was watching sort of. They always played these violent soldier games that made the controller vibrate every time someone bled out from getting shot. I always tried to play with them but they rarely let me. And I didn't really want to. I just wanted to do something with them. They were always making fun of me because I was " the baby". Beau would always try to teach me strategies to get better but I could never quite do them because the other boys heard the plan and basically cheated.

This particular night I was playing with my American Girl Dolls and I'd glance at the screen every once in a while. My dolls had a very important gymnastics meet of course. I had just gotten the girl of the year Mckenna's bar and beam set for my half birthday.

Laura yells from downstairs "Juliette! It's time to take a bath"
I loathed when she said that. My mom is the best but she's obsessed with doing my hair. So of course she has to wash it too. Naturally, I ignored the call pretending not to hear. That was a mistake that I wish I didn't make. Just seconds later my father came into the room where all of us were. When I was younger, my dad was rarely home. I looked up from my dolls to see him standing in the doorway and immediately ran to him. He didn't pick me up or hug me or swing me around like he usually did. I was really confused and i looked up at him frowning and he said

"You heard your mother. do as she says."

Juliette decided that she could sweet talk her way out of trouble, "i did not hear her! what did she say?"

Just then Beau yelled over the couch to my dad "yes she did i saw her roll her eyes. i heard mom too"

Juliette screamed at him "I DID NOT!"

John didn't want the usual beau vs juliette battle to happen tonight and tried to calm her down.

"Sorry JuJu. Snitches get stitches and you told mom that I broke the toaster." said beau turning back to his video game.

John didnt want to engage anymore and started to grab Juliette under her arms to pick her up.

Juliette whines "But I'm not done playing!"

John- "JuJu I know baby but you gotta listen to your mother and I"

Juliette gets picked up against her will and she doesn't kick or scream as he takes her out of the room. There's no use. She hears the boys laughing and making fun of her and lightly starts to cry.

John carry's her into her bedroom and sets her down on the bed. He began to undress her and noticed she had tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong honey?"

Juliette- "I just don't want you and mommy to give me a bath anymore. I want to take a shower alone like the boys"

Laura overhears this as she walks in "Honey, I know but you're just not old enough to make sure you're washed up good enough."

John turns to her with his hands on each of the sides of her legs as she sits on the bed in front of him.

John- "Do you want to try it tonight?"

Juliette beams and nods her head up and down quickly. John leaves her on the bed as he goes into the bathroom to drain the bathtub.

Laura whispers to him- "John she is not going to wash her hair good enough"

John whispers back "She's got to learn at some point"

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