Scene 22- Gavin Blake Warren

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Juliette is woken up suddenly by Jackson nudging her shoulder.

She's too tired to get up and decides to act like she's still asleep. Jackson doesn't buy it though.

Jackson- "I can see your eyes fluttering. I know you're awake. Get up Ju."

Still no answer from Juliette. Clearly, she's trying to test his patience.

He decides the only way to get her up is her greatest weakness. He lightly stabs her in the ribs with his fingers and tickles her all over and she starts to scream and wake up.

Juliette yells, "Ok I'm up! Stop! Jackson!"

Jackson stops holds her on the sides of her body, "You sure you're up?"

Juliette yells and gets off the couch, "Yes I'm sure!"

She sits on the other side of the couch and notices that the tv was turned off and that her brothers were walking out of the room.

Juliette says, "Where are y'all goin?"

Gavin replies back, "None ya business."

The Warren kids spent a lot of their early childhood in Northern Rhode Island and usually only talk in southern dialect to make fun.

Juliette asks sadly, "Why?"

Beau claps back, "Because you ain't invited!"

Juliette stayed quiet when she remembered what her Daddy had said about her behavior lately. She really wanted to stick it to Beau though. Especially after remembering how nice he could be.

The other boys left the room bored when Juliette didn't say anything. Gavin hung back for a second.

Gavin acts dumbfounded, "Where's my phone?"

He begins to look around the couch and so does Juliette.

Beau yells from the outside of the room, "We're waiting in the car!"

Juliette says looking, "I don't see it anywhere on the couch."

Gavin pulls out his phone from his pocket to show Juliette and winks at her.

Juliette was confused.

"What? Why did you do that?"

He leans over the couch her to comfort her. He leans on his arms placed on the outside of Juliette's body. He gives her a kiss on her forehead.

"We'll take you golfing plenty this summer. Just not the first time we're all together, okay?"

Juliette nods and rolls her eyes, "Okay."

She wipes the kiss off her forehead.

Gavin starts to walk out of the room, "Hang in there JuJu!"

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