Scene 12- JD's Graduation Party

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The party for the last Warren boy's high school graduation is nothing short of extravagant. A huge karoke stage with white tables and chairs for hundreds of people. Lights were strung everywhere and the party went late into the night.

Juliette is seen talking with her cousin, Jade. She's a year older than her, but they're best friends because they both only have brothers.

Jade- "We should totally do a song!"

Juliette is hesitant to get made fun of by her brothers, "Uh I don't know. I feel like it's just for the older kids."

Jade- "I doubt that's true. Why don't you want to?"

Juliette knows that Jade understands her struggle with having older brothers more than anyone else, but hides it.

Juliette- "Those girls would totally make fun of us"

Jade- "Not if we do a good song"

Juliette says sarcastically, "Ok what's a good song? Defying Gravity?"

Jade laughs, "No! Not performance wise, something cool. Something hot."

Juliette realizes what she means and salivates at the chance to act older.

Juliette says, "Ok I trust you"

They go up to the computer and microphones on the side of the stage. Jade types in "Fergalicious" and the music starts to play. They quickly both grab microphones and get up on the steps of the stage.

Jade whispers something in her ear and they instantly know what to do. They've sang this song for years together.

Jade starts by acting like some sort of rap artist and says the line

"Listen up y'all cuz this is it. The beat that I'm banging is delicious"

Juliette's confidence instantly supports her as she starts to sing the opening line

"Fergalicious definition make them boys go loco"

They trade back and forth between the solo and the backing "ah's"

The teenagers start to notice that Jade and Juliette are much younger than highschoolers.

JD's bestfriend, Lennon, says to JD- "Bro is that your sister?"

JD wasn't paying attention to what was happening on stage. He observes his sister sing sexually explicit lyrics that he is almost positive she doesn't know what they mean.

JD- "Uh shit yeah"

On the other side of the backyard John and Laura are seen at a large table with many adults their age. John notices her daughter is onstage singing an inappropriate song. He motions to Laura discretely to look at her daughter as he wonders how to stop this. He doesn't want his business colleagues and esteemed friends to see his daughter clearly embarrassing the family. Jackson beats him to the punch from another table anyways.

Jackson- "Hey Dad, isn't that your daughter on stage?"

John shoots him a disapproving look and Jackson just laughs back.

John whispers to Laura "You need to do something. She can't sing that song in front of everyone. I have clients here"

Laura, "Me? Why can't you if you think it's so important? It's not that bad of a song let her sing it."

Jades father, John's brother, comes over to Johns seat behind him.

Thomas- "I don't know what's gotten into these girls but it needs to stop."

The girls continue to sing blissfully unaware.

Juliette sings the chorus with an extra boast of confidence as high schoolers cheer her on.

"Fergalicious, But I ain't promiscuous. And if you was suspicious, all that shit is fictitious"

Laura- "Oh my god. Are you kidding me?"

Laura had an absolute intolerance for Juliette swearing at such a young age period, but in public? She was in trouble.

Laura marches across the backyard and unplugs the speaker and music system. Both of the girls look at her as she angrily marched up the stairs of the stage. She take the microphone away from her daughter and pleasantly states

"We are so sorry but the rental for the karaoke stage has expired. We hope you are enjoying the party, and will have a great night. Congratulations James Dean Warren!"

The teenagers went wild and started to lift him up which distracted the rest of the party enough from the real attraction.

Juliette and Jade are hurried into the house where John and Thomas Warren are waiting.

They enter the glass doors to the living room and see their father's faces. Thomas's looks disappointed. While Johns face is pure anger and rage towards his daughter. Thomas takes Jade into another room and she mouths a prayer to Juliette as she passes by her.

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