Scene 40- I just do

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Jackson and Scarlett are in his gray jeep wrangler driving to dinner. Scarlett talks to Jackson as she looks in the mirror and put on her pink cherry lipgloss.

"So...lots of men in your house." Says Scarlett.

Jackson isn't phased, "Yeah, why do you say that?"

Scarlett wants to get to the bottom of something, "So your sister and your Mom are the only women in your family?"

Jackson chuckles briefly, "Uh, my JuJu is not a woman, but yeah just my Mom and her."

Scarlett says smiling and mocking, "Your JuJu...Your relationship with your sister is cute."

Jackson says, "I'm sorry she was such a brat today. She's not used to having to share me. And I haven't seen her in a long time."

Scarlett waved her hand, "Oh she wasn't a brat Jackson. She's just being a teenage girl. Does your Mom and your sister have a good relationship like that?"

Jackson makes an unsure noise and keeps his eyes on the road.

After a few seconds he says, "Their relationship is weird. I think Juliette is hell bent on getting some independence and my Mom is hell bent on making sure she doesn't."

Scarlett says, "Oh that's too bad. Weird that your Mom would do that."

Jackson fears he said something wrong about his Mom, "Oh no Juliette's totally being a brat about it and breaking all of these rules, not that they're going to do anything about it. My Mom is just worried about her getting into stuff that isn't appropriate for her."

Scarlett, confused, says, "I thought your Dad was the one that gives her the rules and keeps her out of stuff."

Jackson, "Yeah it's both. My parents always present a united front."

They both laugh.

Scarlett says, "But wait, aren't you always saying that Juliette and your Dad are like thee Daddy daughter relationship?"

Jackson says, "Yeahh. It's weird. My sister and Mom have always fought more and been not as close. I don't know why."

Scarlett doesn't know what to say, "Oh."

Jackson says, "It'll be good for Juliette to have you around. She just always needs a minute to warm up to people. Especially people that are dating her favorite brother."

Scarlett says, "Oh how in the world do you know that you're Juliette's favorite brother?"

Jackson looks at her and smiles, "I just do."

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