Scene 30- Summer Dinner

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The first night of summer the Warren family has dinner out on their patio. Laura makes brisket, potatoes, and homemade strawberry shortcake. Juliette feels more relaxed after finishing school the day before.

Gavin says, "How many days are we going to Cancun again?"

Everyone laughs.

Laura says, "Gavin I swear you never listen. How are your grades as good as they are with your attention deficit?"

Gavin says defensively, "Hey! I pay attention like 40% of the time."

Beau pats his back patronizing, "We're going for a week and a half buddy."

Juliette turns to her mom as the other conversation continues, "Can I get a new swimsuit for Mexico?"

Laura smiles, "Of course honey. I already got you seven new ones. I hope that's enough. I might have to pack you some old ones."

Juliette says, "No but I want to pick it out."

Laura looks at her for a second dumbfounded, "Uh yeah...maybe I can help you pick your own out."

She ruffles her hand through her hair.

Juliette argues for the first time in a couple days, "Please Mommy. I really want to start picking my own clothes. Because I'm in seventh grade now!"

Beau and Gavin laugh at Juliette from across the table.

Jackson says to Juliette, "Oh so you think you're grown?"

Gavin mocks her, "She's such a big middle schooler now!"

Beau adds on the worst sting, "Oh sure. Whenever she has to try new food, her Daddy always has to tell her what a big girl she is."

JD chimes in half laughing, "Oh yeah look at that big girl!"

Beau starts again as he sits right next to her and pats her stomach while he says, "The big girl even goes and picks out her own big girl clothes, oh wait, she's not big enough for that yet!"

They all erupt with laughter. Juliette gets out of her chair crying and storms off to her room.

John is angry, "Did you really have to do that?"

Laura, "Me?!

John continues, "Yes you! You embarrassed her."

Laura, "I simply told her that I don't think she can pick out her own clothes yet. I am not the reason she's upset John."

John says from the other end of the table, "Well clearly she's ready because she's been asking for weeks."

Laura felt disrespected by her husband, "Well- I guess- Yeah. I can let her pick out some stuff."

John leans back in his chair satisfied, "Thank you."

The boys cannot keep their laughs to themselves.

John continues to lecture, "And as for you four, I am sick and tired of the bickering! Figure it out. Be nice to your sister. She looks up to you boys. I need to know that I can trust you to be the men in her life that she needs."

He gets up from his seat and leaves to go into the house.

Laura says under her breath, "As if she needs you big mouthed men."

Jackson starts first, "Sorry Mom we didn't mean to ruin dinner."

The rest of the boys start apologizing too.

Laura sighs, "It's alright... It's ok...Just remember how hard it might to be the only sister and to be a lot younger then the rest of your siblings. You might think she acts immaturely or young, but you realize that you're taking away her youth just by expecting her to act older than she is."

Beau starts in, "Mom she acts like a five year old most of the time."

Gavin agreed, "Yeah she's always whining or being held like a baby."

Laura replies, "You still treat her with kindness and love. Your father is right about that, she looks up to you. And you constantly make her feel horrible."

The boys did feel bad now. They stayed in silence not knowing what to say.

Laura says, "I think you all owe her individual apologies, but you can decide whether you're mature enough to do that yourselves."

She gets up and grabs her plate, her husband's plate, and her daughter's plate. She exits into the house.

Beau broke the silence between the brothers, "Ok by a show of hands who thinks this was blown way out of proportion?"

The three youngest of the four laughed and raised their hands.

Jackson didn't raise his hand and said, "No guys, I think we might have taken it too far."

He gets up out of his seat, takes his plate, and goes inside.

The three youngest boys are left to reflect.

A Poignant Fallacy Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora