Scene 29- John and Laura Pt. 1

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Laura is making dinner in the kitchen. She has various pans and pots on the stove. The oven light is on with a pan of cake baking. The aroma of brisket, shortcake and warm vegetables fills the house with warmth and comfort.

John hasn't errerr just come home from work and comes up behind Laura. He covers her eyes and jokes,

"Guess who?"

Laura laughs and turns around. John pulls her in for a long kiss. And takes a box from behind his back.

Laura is pleasantly confused, "What is that?"

John smiles, "Just a little something for my hard working wife."

Laura laughs and kisses her husband's cheek. She opens the box and pulls out a diamond tennis bracelet.

She gasps, "John! This is crazy. How come such an expensive gift?"

John deflects, "Do you like it? I know you prefer minimalist jewelry."

Laura, "Honey I love it, but it seems awfully wasteful."

John frowns, "Wasteful? There's no such thing as wasteful if it's for my beautiful wife."

Laura smiles and puts it on.

"Well, thank you. It's really gorgeous."

"Oh it's no problem. How are the kids today?"

Laura rolls her eyes, "You mean the young men and teenage daughter in our house? They don't need to be helicoptered."

John gets uncomfortable, "Juliette's not a teenager."

Laura turns back to her cooking, "Oh, she basically is."

A moment of silence follows.

Laura inquires, "So you obviously haven't told your son about the company you want him to run yet, right?"

John gets slightly irritated, "No I haven't."

Laura, "Well I feel like you should get on that before he scoops up another job."

John, "Oh he's not going to get a job. He still thinks he's going to grad school."

Laura talks sarcastically, "Right. I feel bad that he hasn't gotten the memo that he doesn't get to make a decision even though it's 100% his to make."

John is firm, "I need you to be supportive-"

Laura, "I will as long as you're realistic."

John says, "I am being realistic. I didn't raise my son to walk away from a golden opportunity."

Just then Juliette walks into the kitchen. She runs to John and he holds his arms out for her.


"There's my princess."

John picks her up and holds her.

"I missed you baby girl. How was your day with Mommy?"

Juliette doesn't like that question. She thinks it's boring so she answers, "Good."

He tells Juliette to smell the air. He starts to walk out of the kitchen holding Juliette and yells,

"Dinner smells great Laur!"

Laura stands and admires the gift on her wrist for a couple minutes.

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