Scene 23- James Dean Warren

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Days later, Juliette's graduation had arrived. It was a beautiful morning and the sun had just peeked through the sky. Around 6:57, the family was waiting on Juliette herself. A wasp of excitement hung in the air that smelled like fresh spring dew on green grass. The boys were sitting, laying, and sprawled across the wine colored decorative sofas in the foyer. Despite common belief, Jackson and Beau were most impatient in the Warren family. They were the first borns into the extravagant dynasty and got everything they wanted in an instant.

Beau starts to ask his dad, "Jackson and I could just take a separate car?"

John stands in the middle of the foyer, "I don't see what that would accomplish. Let's just all go together."

Finally, Laura begins to walk down the right side of their grand staircase.

She says emotionally, "She's all ready!"

Juliette follows her in a big white fluffy dress. Satin and simple, with a dark pink ribbon tied in a bow around the waist. She has white ballet flats with satin ribbons tied around her ankles.

John has a couple tears in his eyes looking up at his daughter, "Look at that big girl!"

Juliette smiles and runs down the rest of the stairs so she can give her daddy a hug. She runs into his arms and he picks her up and spins her around. He sets her down and puts his hand on each of her arms. He bends down to look into her eyes,

"You are just gorgeous baby."

Juliette smiles big, "Thank you daddy."

He gives her a kiss on the forehead and she starts to walk off to the front door.

Laura looks at her phone, "Oh lord we need to get going."

They all start to rush out the front door. Beau and Jackson yell thank god and run out of the house. Juliette is last to get into the back seat and waits in the doorway for a moment. She has a puzzled look on her face. JD sits across from her inside the car and asks,

"Ju are you getting in?"

Juliette doesn't respond. She knows she's forgetting something but doesn't know what. Her thoughts get interrupted when behind her, she gets lifted up from around her waist and put into the car. She now stands in the car, but not seated.

John says after he puts her down, "We've got to go JuJu. Be a good girl and get in your seat."

She stands there for a moment not answering. Even though she didn't like being picked up like that. He still has his hands wrapped around her lower stomach and her bottom from lifting her into the car. John doesn't wait any longer for his daughter and pats her on her bottom under her fluffy dress to motion her to sit down as he says,

"Juliette Marie. You listen to me little girl." He continues to pat and rub her butt until she snaps out of her thoughts.

Muffled laughs came from her brothers as she stomps her right foot hard and embarrassingly says,

"Daddy! Don't do that!"

He lifted her down into her seat by grabbing under her arms and buckled her himself.

"We'll I wouldn't have to if you'd just listen to me. We don't got time to wait."

He begins to close the car door until she yells,

"Wait! I forgot something!"

Laura turns from the passenger seat, "What? No. We have to go honey. We're going to be late"

Juliette protests, "No no please! I'll run really fast."

John opens the door again and says,
"It's your day. But go quickly."

She quickly unbuckles her seatbelt that was strapped in against her will and jumps down from the car.

She runs into the house and John begins to look at his watch. He peeks his head into the car,

"James, would you go and hurry her along? You know, make sure she finds whatever she's looking for?"

JD replies, "Yeah sure dad."

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