Scene 21- Beau Montgomery Warren

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Flashback Continues
After Jackson ordered and ate the pizza at the house they went out to one of the Warren's favorite spot in town. The hotspot had everything. Fancy restaurants, gelato, a big terf patch with chairs and lawn games, segways, and the best bars.

Juliette showed Jackson and Gavin her gymnastics while they played corn hole for over an hour. They're both skilled and naturally talented at any game that requires some type of athletic ability. Beau and JD got back from their segway rentals and told Jackson and Gavin they had to go before it got busy. Juliette was sad that she wasn't old enough to ride, they looked so fun to ride around the beautiful town in. JD said he wanted to go again and Beau rolled his eyes when he realized it would just be Juliette and him. The other brothers left and Beau looked at her slightly annoyed. 

"Ugh what do you want to do then?"

Juliette is nervous to make Beau annoyed or upset. She knows what she really wants. Jackson promised her ice cream from a gelato place in the Hot Spot. She didn't dare suggest that he spend his money on her though.

She answers quietly, "I don't know."

Beau sighs and begins to relax.

"Do you want some gelato?"

Juliette nodded with a smile on her face and added in a, "Yes, please."

When they walk to the gelato place they cross a tiny street with lots of parked cars.

Juliette begins to walk in front of him but he grabs her arm.

Beau said firmly just like he had heard from his parents for years, "Hold my hand, please."

Juliette didn't disobey him out of fear for what he would do. If she has made him angry enough, he might haul her all the way over his shoulder in front of all of these strangers. She actually kind of liked that Beau wanted to protect her in a street that wasn't really dangerous.

As they walk across the street Juliette adds, "You know Mommy and Daddy haven't held my hand when we cross the street in a while."

Beau laughs when she thinks she's being clever, "I know. I just get nervous with all of these SUV's. They can't see you because you're too little."

Juliette internally frowned, she didn't like the word little. She preferred short or something. She didn't even really like when her Daddy called her a little girl but she didn't mind from him. She didn't however, tell Beau her discontent. He was getting her ice cream after all.

In the gelato spot they sit at a table across from each other. Beau had been on his phone for a long time scrolling on instagram. Juliette just noticed her surroundings and didn't want to say anything to her meanest brother. After a while, Beau had inevitably gotten bored and turned his phone off and placed it on the table.

He looked at Juliette for a while and noticed how horrified she looked when she looked at him. She wouldn't even look him in the eyes.

Attempting to be nice he said, "Hey. I'm sorry about earlier. I would never actually... you know... hit you."

Juliette quickly replied, "It's ok." She wasn't sure what would happen to her if she didn't respond like that.

He realized that Juliette wasn't going to say anything else so he tried to start a conversation.

Beau- "So.... are you like excited to be in wolve cabin at camp?"

Admittedly, Beau didn't know much about Juliette.

Juliette shrugs confused, "I guess. I'm just nervous because everyone says you lose your friends."

Beau continued, and was surprised that he actually wasn't bored, "You don't have to. I'm still friends with people that didn't come back to camp when I was a kid. It's also nice to meet new people too."

Juliette smiled at her brothers advice, "Yeah whatever. It'll be fine. Just new and stuff."

Juliette packed up her feelings. Her parents weren't the best at dealing with them, and it's fair game for her brothers to make fun of her.

Beau decided to really dig deep, "It's ok to be scared."

Juliette didn't say anything. Fear was weakness with her brothers, especially Beau. It had to be a trap.

Beau continues, "Everyone is scared of stuff like that. It's ok JuJu."

Juliette feels tears welling up in her eyes. Rarely did someone in her family cared enough to really talk about what she was feeling.

Beau rolls his eyes and smiles playfully. "C'mon don't cry kid."

He gets up and walks around the table to hug her in her chair. She wraps her arms around him and smiles lightly. She hadn't hugged Beau since she was probably 2.

Beau says, "It's ok to be scared but it's also going to be ok. You'll survive."

He releases from the hug and looks at her.

"You want to talk more or are you ready to go?"

Juliette didn't know what to do. Even with the sudden burst of kindness Juliette did not want to talk to Beau about her fears.

"We can't go home. What about the other boys?"

Beau pulls out his card from his wallet, "Eh we'll take an uber."

Juliette laughs and says okay.

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