Scene 14- John's First Flashback

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John goes back out to the party after he releases his daughter. He starts to think about what his son said. "Maybe the golden child is finally going to get her golden ass smacked."
He never even imagined spanking his daughter. He vowed to never spank his children again after an incident with Beau.


Beau was 9, Jackson was 10, Gavin was 8, JD was 6, and Juliette was 2 months old.

It was Easter morning, 2006.

The boys run down the grand double staircase yelling and shrieking with pure joy and excitement. They run around the main floor of the house to find the easter basket that the easter bunny left them. John films them as Laura comes down the stairs with their baby girl.

John says, "Oh there's my sweet little girl. Hi princess."

Laura has her dressed in a pink easter dress with a big bow headband on her head.

Laura says in a baby voice "She's just so fussy this morning. She must have a bad tummy again."

John takes Juliette from her arms and shushes the fussy newborn.

They walk into the living room together to see if they boys love what's in their baskets. They tear open the tissue and colorful shredded easter grass to find lots of candy and toys.

Jackson yells out, "I got a Nintendo! I got a 'Nintendo!"

Beau wanted a nintendo so badly and started to throw things out of his basket to find it. When he got to the bottom of the basket he didn't see the nintendo that his brother got. He started to cry loudly and suddenly.

Laura runs over to him and crouches beside him, "Beau Beau are you hurt? What's the matter baby?"

Beau could hardly make out words through his sobs. He yells loudly and slowly between cries, "I...wanted...a nintendo!" He begins to sob even louder.

Laura soothes him by running her hand up and down his back. "Honey, Jackson got a nintendo so you boys could all play together!"

Beau screams again, "But I wanted my own!"

John talks sternly to him, "Beau, you got plenty of toys.

Beau screams loud at the top of his lungs, "I don't care! I want a Nintendo! Not stupid Jackson!"

Beau began to throw his easter basket and the toys inside while he kicked and screamed. Laura looks at her son in horror.

John scolds his son, "Beau Montgomery Warren stop that right now!"

Laura pleads helplessly and tries to grab his arm.

"Beau stop it!"

Beau slaps her arm away hard and for the grand finale of the biggest tantrum thrown by a nine year old, Beau ran over to Jackson's Easter basket and picked up the Nintendo.

John begins to walk over to stop Beau,
"Beau Montgomery you've got three seconds until you get a spanking!"

Beau screams and cries and smashes the Nintendo into the hardwood floor. The brand new game system broke into several pieces scattered all over the dark wooden floors.

Laura yells, "Are you kidding me?! You're nine years old!"

Jackson starts to lightly cry at his game console broken on the floor.

John yanks Beau by his arm and holds his face close to his.

John speaks low and sternly, "Now look how you've made your brother cry. You can either walk with your feet to the couch or I can carry you like a toddler."

Beau just cried instead of answering.

Laura continues to yell at Beau, "I can't believe you do that! Do you have any idea what you've done?!"

John begins to haul Beau over his hip under his arms.

"Oh he's about to have an exact idea of what he's done!"

He sits on the couch and lays a kicking and squirming Beau over his lap. He gives him dozens of hard swats on his bottom.

Laura leaves the room crying with her daughter in her arms.

The punishment eventually carried into Beaus bedroom and involved a belt.

*Hours later after all of the suddenly somber Easter festivities*

The family is eating dinner at the table and Juliette is asleep in a bassinet by the kitchen. Everyone is present besides Beau.

John yells up the stairs, "Beau you can come downstairs to eat dinner!"

John sits down to eat dinner. The family eats together for 20 minutes before Jackson notices Beau hasn't come down.

Jackson, "Mom where's Beau? It's been a long time."

John is amused, "I'm surprised you already miss him after what happened this morning."

Laura lightly laughs too, "We'll get it replaced tomorrow, bud. It is strange that he hasn't come down after all those hours up there. I'm going to go check on him."

Laura walks up the stairs and slowly went into Beaus bedroom. She doesn't see her son in his bed or by his toys. She looks on the other side of his bed and sees him lying unconscious on the floor.

Laura screams from his bedroom and it echoes throughout the house.

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