Convinced and aftermath

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(Everyone became silent)
Me( i took deep breath and continued): I know, you all love me, concerned about me but atleast first listen to me what I'm saying and then make your decision. Okay. So, Uncle Mitchell, I'm answering your question.

Yes, I will use mathematics to win the lottery. Yes, I am100% sure in my maths but as I said earlier, it can't be applied as such in real life. Why?  because cost of number of lottery we needed to buy to be 100% sure of winning will exceed the prize of winning. It will be loss making venture but I can modify and target specific type and class of lottery to reduce the cost and in turn increase the profits.

So, according to my calculations, I'm going to target those lotteries which guarantees jackpot of 3x than their price.  And not only that I'm going to buy various different types of lotteries from various organizers and from various vendors across US. It will increase our probability to win the jackpot. Also, I'm targetting not only first prizes of them but second and third prizes as well. Various lotteries will include national lotteries, state lotteries and some  medium & small lotteries as well.

I have 95% chance for medium and smaller lotteries, 90-95% chance for state lotteries and ~70% chance for national lotteries. It's going to be an Big operation and as opening time of most of the lotteries are different so it will not make big news and I will be able to collect money easily and safely. But in order to not reveal my identity and remain anonymous, uncle Mitchell, I want you to register and set up a  ' blind trust' for me and I will do the whole purchasing, recieving of Money prizes through this trust.

Generally, these lottery wins are taxed as income tax by IRS and it's quite a sum. So, grandpa and uncle Mitchell, I want you two to help me arrange a third party through which I can collect money prizes in exchange of some profits to avoid being taxed on winning. And will be a one time thing because ife you win more than once of these  state or national lottery, you will come into their sight. You can hide from general public but they can they will be able to track you through flow of fund and people doing errands. Then through scrutiny it is possible that they can find how I exploitated their loopholes.

After that there will be some unnecessary conflict but that is not the main point. Main point is that, they will ban me or all of them who are related, then they will invite mathematics professors from well known universities to plug the loopholes in their lottery system and it will become much more difficult to win next time, they are also powerful so it is not right to go head on with them.  I have said everything, now if anyone has any questions, they can ask me.

( I saw everyone was dumbfounded and were silent)

No one said anything. Everyone drank their drinks in silence.

Me: No one is going to say anything.

Alex: No one understood your mathematics so it's pretty self explanatory.

Phil: It's not that, it's What is he said after that.

Cameron: You are genius, Will. But can you win, that's the whole point because if not then all the hard work will be in vain.

Me: You see, odds and probability are two different things. But what's the harm in trying. It's just some trip here and there, that's it.

Me( continued): and I'm sorry for the shouting earlier.

(Everyone nodded to express their understanding)

Me: And I was also testing the waters earlier.........3,000$ dollars is nothing, I want atleast 30,000 dollars. But rest assured, I'm just borrowing it, I will return every single penny. Then after winning, there will be millions of dollars.

( everyone satyed quiet and said nothing)

Phil: 30,000 $ is not small sum, William. It's not possible.

Me: Well, although I have much to say but I will not say anything. You can lend me as you want, I will arrange the rest on my own.

Jay: Hang on a sec. I didn't say anything until now. I want ask only one question from you William. Why do you want so much money as much as, you are thinking about lotteries. What's in your mind? What's your plan.

Me( I took deep breath) : I want to buy a company. A publishing company which is going to bankruptcy. I have some comics which I have created and I want to publish it. Here take a look.

A month ago

I was pondering what to do to make money and start my plans. I'm Genius and there is many things, I can do. I can start business, I can earn money in share Market, I can write novels but age is the restriction which is burdensome for me. Let's say I want to enter into share market to make money but I myself can't register and operate as I'm minor. 

And you have to travel to wall street or contact broker and agents through phone everytime which I can't do it because of my age and my family will not help me and they will not do things for me or according to me which is bad situation for me. Until I get fame and establish contacts of my own or sit and wait to be aged, I can't do it. Let's say if I write a novel, there will be many people who will suspect that I'm not legit, I'm fraud, How can a 5-6 yr old write the things like this, from where his inspirations came from, I'm plagarizing ( Not from this world) etc. 

Because in their minds they  can't imagine a boy to come up with such beautiful and magnificent litreture. These things can create a negative publicity for me and it can ruin the impression of me in the minds of others etc. Which I don't want it to happen. What I want is that everyone should revered me as rare Genius which I am and respect & admire me. Although it's fact that not everyone can be convinced and there is no one on this earth who doesn't have haters but I want my admirers to be in majority.

I want the people who respect me and and have excellent impression of me to be much more than those who are opposite to me. Media is a nasty being, you have to tame it because it forms and builds public opinion among masses so I don't want to ruin my first impression even if all the things would be nothing but deciet, lies and wrong facts.
So, I set my mind to create comics as it's about imagination and people will accept it and me as genius. As they can think in their that since I'm Genius boy, I can make it.

I'm legit and Genius creator. Even if is apparant and may or may not be factually correct. Then as my age will progress, my contacts will expand, my fame will rise etc. I will have no such concerns.

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