New comic title: Cyborg+ Alien (2)

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I first drew the simplest form of the Predator with its Jamaican side curls or the dreadlocks, the menacing mask, and hunt-centric armors.

I also didn't forget to draw the version where the mask is gone and exposed the horrific face that hisses on its prey.

The Yautja doesn't stop from there as it has a lot of traditions and hunter customs that must be understood.

If people would think that the Xenomorphs are the stumbling block to the actualization of the Predator franchise, then they'd have to think again as Xenomorphs aren't the only aliens that man could come up with.

I just have to think up of many interesting and new alien civilizations for the Predators to hunt and prey on for sport.

It could be an expansive space saga that would effectively grow the Predator franchise just like how I planned things out for RoboCop.

The preliminary outlining commenced and many storylines were being noted.

If movies failures made RoboCop and Predator a mess, then comic books in their long form should give them their needed redemption.


As I went on with focus, My stomach growling stopped me.

uccessfully pulling myself from creative immersion due to that threat, the sight of my progress became clear to me.

Although it wasn't much to go on, it was enough to skeleton the entire series. As much as how grandstanding I wants the Predators to be, they aren't exactly that extendable when it comes to storytelling.

They at least have a story now with a concrete beginning, middle, and end. The good thing about this is that it could be one-shotted and spun off to different sectors of the galactic spectrum.

It didn't need to be overdone though as it needed a necessary goal for doing so and not the haphazard storytelling that the previous franchise owners had done with it.

Yautja's were simple folks to be told but it is that simplicity and ferocity that makes them somewhat appealing to the masses.

Perhaps that appeal is what is drawing him to these low-level franchises and trying hard to make them bigger than the downturns that they would have been.

After eating my fill, I fell into consideration. Being reborn with future knowledge of about 40-45 years, there are many franchise which I can began under my watch. A lot of them aren't even risky anymore as the conceptualization year still hasn't even been passed by the present time.

Nonetheless, I wanted to go with another risky route as the rewards in difficult situations are sometimes always worth it.

didn't even have to stray far from my two recent titles.

If RoboCop was mechanical and Predator was alien, then all he needed was to combine those simplifications.

There is a lot that comes up with combined alien plus mechanical franchises but nothing else could come close to the success of this certain franchise.

Perhaps only the GoBots could come in second with the alien plus mechanical juggernaut. Too bad that I can't be satisfied with that and eyed the top spot.

There was nothing else that it could be aside from the super famous Car- Robot and Micro Change.

That is its current designations as of this year 1984 and the predecessors to the ever- encompassing Transformers.

In a stroke of much early convenience once again, there is no Hasbro and Marvel collaborations as in my previous life.

Perhaps Dunphy Comics' success made the many toy companies skeptical of Marvel's background story- making.

Perhaps the Hasbro executives slept on combining Japanese toy lines as they eyed the toy adaptation of Dunphy Comic titles.

Whatever the case, it meant that I have much wider window and it would be stupid not to take it.

Fortunately, I have set some space in the table as I skimmed through my outlines. I need all the space I could as I didn't want to be confined with the Blocky- formers.

The 1970s- 80s can't get toy-ly acquainted with 2000s super- detailed BeyFormers yet. However, they could still work with the delicate balance that 2018's Bumblebee movie had achieved.


The drawing ensued as I kinked out through the details of the future, the past, and the new present.

Diaclone launched in 1980s (previous life) and consisted of transforming vehicles and robots piloted by miniature, magnet- shoed figures spun off from the prior Microman toy line. It was only in 1982 that the featured Car- Robot line was introduced.

Micro Change was also a sub-line like Car-Robot but it came from the various action figures of MicroMan. In a fated 1983 Tokyo Toy Expo, a Hasbro toy developer wasn't interested in the main Diaclone and MicroMan lines but instead gave focus on the convergence of its sub-lines that capitalize on automobiles transforming into humanoid robots.

A pitch was made in Hasbro headquarters and they planned on licensing the two different brands under one toyline when it came into their markets.

Ideas were flowing here and there until they settled on Transformers.

With the concept from Takara, Hasbro eventually corroborated with third company company for the toyline's storyline and that was with Marvel.

Takara, Hasbro, and Marvel became a tripartite that seemed impenetrable by any other outsider but that is only when you don't know where to look.

As of now, Years ahead Marvel still hasn't been approached for the story and my legal team had already been laying out the groundwork for the Dunphy Comics version.

Through the legal insight, Legal department would point out and plug the loopholes in transforming automobiles that the I will use to my advantage to milk it sustainably.

The company legal consultant had no clue what was going on but since his stoic boss commended him, he gave himself a pat on the back for a job well done.

Thus works were made pirate proof and legally justified with all the weak points that were pointed out in the Transformers concept.

Hasbro  still has no Idea of what happened to him. Their Diaclone and Micro Change will be under me to pave the way for Transformers Generation 1.
I awarded them nothing while alongwith Diaclone and Micro change, I took Cybertron, Quintessa, Primus, Unicron, Decepticons, and Autobots all of the extensions to myself. The universal view will be drafted by me years ahead after all.

I just had to register all these things including Transformium and having aliens morph between car and robot forms could be used by him while others can't copy at all.

As such, the popular characters like Bumblebee, Jazz, and Shockwave and all of them could very well be taken under my wing.

Even better news is the apparent lack of control about the animals transforming into humanoid robots concept. Alongside these things, I have already set my sights on the wildly successful Beast Wars.

The mechanical plus alien franchise was slowly coming together and I don't have to step too much into the toes of the toy giants. I will have Transformers alongwith Autobots vs. Decepticons  under me and will become cash cow for my venture.

Storylines and outlines are also being set in place and it would come as no surprise that others have to step up their game if they want to win on the popularity competition.

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