Truth to be told (3)

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Gloria : But we want to hear it. Jay, why don't you read it? You
were with him at the end. Remember?

Jay : "Shel Turtlestein was many things, but above all, he was my
friend. When I didn't get a date with Fiona Gunderson, Shel was
there. when I didn't get to play the part of Tevye, Shel was there.
and when a raccoon broke into my room, unfortunately, Shel was there. I said a lot of things to my friend, but the one thing I never
got to say was... Goodbye." -Manny

Manny: Stop! I know what really happened.

Jay : You do?

Manny : I left a bag of chips near my bed. The raccoon must have
smelled it. It's my fault he's dead. Sorry, Shel.

Gloria : Jay, you don't have anything to say to Manny?

Jay : yeah. Manny... Shel forgives you.

Manny : Thank you.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household

Claire : Oh, Denise. Ha! These pictures are amazing. Thank you. Wow. Sweetie, that perm.

Phil : Technically, it's a Jheri curl. Ohh.

Denise : I just love to take pictures.

Claire : You know what? I'm gonna open a bottle of wine!

Phil : No. No. That's the worst idea. No. No. Oh! What am I,
raised by a pack of wolves? Hey, come on, now. (Chases after Claire and enters the kitchen with her) Honey... You weren't completely wrong about Denise.

Claire : How's that?

Phil : She wants me.

Claire : To do what?

Phil : It. Her.

Claire : Oh. Oh, this is because of the thing I said about your talks with her and that everybody's hooking up, And now you're disappointed.

Phil : No. She bit the air right in front of me! Like that.

Claire : What?

Phil : And then look what she tried to give me. (Trying to show hotel key to Claire but Denise enters the kitchen from behind)

Denise : Anything I can help with?

Claire : No, I just... I can't find my corkscrew. (Went to other room to find)

Denise: Ohh. Touch me.

Phil : O-kay. Denise, I think, somewhere along the line, you got the wrong idea. (Wishpering)

Denise : My head is full of wrong ideas (whispering) . You have such great taste, Claire (loudly).

Claire : Thank you.

Denise : I remember Phil used to have really good taste, too.

Phil : Get a little bit of this.

Claire : Oh, here it is. Phil, would you mind grabbing us a couple
glasses? You betcha.

Denise : Need me to grab anything?

Phil : Nope! Okay, this is so wrong.

Denise : I know. It's way more exciting when she's in the room.

Phil : No!

Denise : I still have my cheerleader outfit.

Phil : So do I, but this still can't happen. When did that break?

Denise : Why are you wussing out?!

Phil : I never wussed in!

Denise : What about all those things you talked at phone?
"how was your day? My neck is so sore."

Phil : Why do people keep adding voices to these things? I didn't sounded like that.

Denise : Are you telling me that I wasted a year of my life on this

Phil : What relationship?

Denise : How many other women have you led on?

Phil : Now I don't know!

Claire : Phil? Phil, honey? Do you remember when you broke
your arm when we were first dating?

Phil : Yeah, uh, when I slipped on the ice.

Claire : Right. That's so weird. Because in this picture, you're
sitting with Denise, and you have a broken arm, so...

Phil : Yeah. That's... that's weird.

Claire : So you were still dating her when you started dating me?

Phil : No.

Claire : Phil?

Phil : Yeah. Maybe. Just, there was a time... A little overlap when,
uh, I was trying to break things off with Denise.

Claire : Uh-huh.

Denise : You took me to Santa Fe!

Claire : Santa Fe. Phil, you told me that was your father.

Phil : Okay, I know the pain is fresh, but the lie is really old.

Denise : You know, this was a mistake. I'm gonna leave. Claire, if I were you, I would kick him out. Maybe he'd appreciate you more after he spent a lonely night in a hotel, at the Radisson, by the

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Pritchett- Tucker household

Cameron (Very panickly surprised) : You quit?!

Mitchell : Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It was amazing. No, no, this is
the new me, Cam. I am not letting people run my life anymore.

Cameron : I should be nervous, but I'm... I'm not. I'm excited for
you. (With panic and ugly face with smile)

Mitchell : Yes! It's exciting. It's exciting.

Cameron : Because you followed your heart, and that is worth

Mitchell : Cam, I just feel...

Cameron : ha-ha!

Mitchell : ... so liberated.

Cameron : Hey!

Mitchell : And I'm not picking it up.

Cameron : Ooh! I like this guy!

Mitchell : I do, too. I mean, y-yes, we'll have to... We'll have to cut
back a little bit. But isn't it worth it if you feel like you're living
your life for the first time?

Cameron : Totally.

Mitchell : Oh. What were we even waiting for? You will go back
to teaching music, And then I'll -- I'll just find something in a few
months! And until then, all we need to do is just sit back and
watch this little miracle here dazzle us. I'm tingling.

Cameron : I am, too.

Mitchell : It's like my heart is full for the first time in forever. Oh,
god, it's really pounding. It's like I feel the weight of endless possibilities just sitting on my chest. She is not doing anything,

Cameron : You're not panicking, are you?

Mitchell : Of course I am panicking!

Cameron : No! Don't panic. If you panic, I panic!

Mitchell : I just quit my job! Cam!

Cameron : Oh, my god, Mitchell, I am used to nice things! What
are we gonna do?!

Mitchell : Okay, no, no, just calm... calm down. This is what we're
gonna do. I am going to... I'm gonna do what I'm trained to do. I am going to lie, grovel, debase myself until I get what I want. I am a lawyer, damn it.

Cameron : Mitchell! No.

Mitchell : Oh, no, you're right -- the tie.

Cameron : No, we'll... we'll find something better for you,
Something that works for all of us.

Mitchell : There's no plan "B" here, Cam. We have a mortgage. We have... We have a... a child to support. I...

Cameron : Why don't you talk to Will. He was offering you a job at his company's legal department. It is a very good job.

Mitchell : I can't, I can't. I'm environmental lawyer not corporate lawyer or intellectual property lawyer etc. , I can't do that job because I don't know how to do it. Will offered me that job.... sort of.... more of............ because I'm his uncle and not because I'm expert in it. And what others in that department will think of me when I will take that high position without having enough expertise and experience required corresponding to my duty?.   Also.... I... I kinda bragged to him about thinking to get a law firm of my own soon and rejected him without telling him the truth that I don't know anything about corporate law, intellectual property law or even a litigation law concerning corporate & company for that matter, but now I'm unemployed.... what he will think of me....others are fine but he...he is a genius, intelligent, a business master etc.etc. .... and my circumstances will more be like an excuse to hide my unprofessionalism to him.

Cameron : It's in your head. I don't think he will despise you for loosing your job, he is sweet boy and have understand of how World works, though you might being environmental lawyer may pose a problem to find job at his company.

Mitchell : I don't think I can go to him and ask for job in this condition. I'm panicking right now.

Cameron : Hey. It's gonna be okay. We're gonna figure it out. I just
want you to be happy, and you will be happy. And that is
something worth toasting.

Mitchell : Let's just drink the cheap stuff 'cause we might have to sell that bottle.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Pritchett household

Gloria : It's hard to sleep in a bed of lies, isn't it, Jay?

Jay : Kids get over these things pretty quick. He's probably
sleeping like a baby right now.

Gloria : I'm sure he's wide awake... full of guilt.

Jay : Well, I'm going to sleep. (After few moments) Damn it! (Stand up to go to Manny's room)

(Jay enters Manny's room and found the light off so after looking here & there in dark, he started to leave the room)

(But suddenly table lamp by the side of Manny's bed lit up)

Manny : Hello, Jay.

Jay : What are you doing up?

Manny : Waiting. Waiting for what? The truth. It wasn't a raccoon, was it?

Jay : Oh, all right, you got me. I killed Shel. All right? I'm sorry. It was an accident.

Manny : Why didn't you just tell me?

Jay : Cause I didn't want you to be upset with me. You and I got
off to a rocky start. But lately it's been pretty good. I was afraid I'd mess all that up If you knew that I was the one that killed your

Manny : Now you're the guy who killed my pet and made a
stupid lie about it.

Jay : Well, I don't think it was stupid. I thought it was pretty
clever. Look, I was just trying to avoid past mistakes. Look... I know I can't make things all better right now.

Manny : Maybe.

Jay : Get some rest.

Manny : Since we're confessing things... You know that scratch on your car?

Jay : The one that can't be buffed out? Yeah.

Manny : You should probably know how it happened.

Jay : I know how it happened. Raccoon did it.

Manny : Good night, Jay.

Jay : Good night, kid.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Next day at Pritchett household

Jay : Best thing I ever did was quit a miserable job and start my
own business.

Mitchell : Thanks, dad.

Jay : Now, it's not gonna be easy, But that's why Gloria and I want
to give you a little something to help you through it.

Mitchell : No, dad, I can't.

Jay : No, I want to, Mitch.

Mitchell : Okay, but, I mean, a-as soon as I'm back on my feet, I-I
really want to... Oh. Oh. Dad. No, you... You tried to give me this
20 years ago when my pet snake died.

Jay : I did?

Mitchell : Yes. Zsa-zsa Ga-Boa.

Cameron : Oh, that's adorable.

Gloria : And you really didn't know that he was gay?

Jay : I must have, right?

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