Video games: Space invaders (2)

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The difficulty curve in the original Space Invaders was quite steep, making it challenging for players to adapt to new enemy formations and speed.

Implementing a more gradual progression of difficulty, with incremental changes in enemy behavior, speed, aggressiveness and enemy complexity as the player advanced through the levels will provide a smoother learning curve and will allow players to adjust their strategies accordingly with more balanced and rewarding experience.

Not only that I'm going to offer different difficulty options, such as easy, medium, and hard to cater to a wider range of player skills and preferences.

Space Invaders was primarily a single-player game, and I'm thinking to make it a multiplayer modal game to enhance not only its replay value and social aspect but also to add social elements and increase fun factor. Allowing players to compete or cooperate with each other will make the game more engaging for longer periods. For home video games machine, I just have to change programming to accommodate multiplayer mode and you just to plugin extra handheld  home gaming console and that's it  but option of multiplayer mode on existing arcade machine designs is not that simple.

Regarding Arcade machines, I have to design new arcade machine with exclusive multiplayer mode in addition to single player Arcade machines which are available in this time to increase customer base.

It's obvious that unimpeded flow of new multiplayer Arcade machines will hurt the market of single Arcade machines. That is why to reach the balance and maximize my profits, I have to create mathematical model for this optimization problem and solve it. This will not only not hurt each other's market but have the effect of mutual promotion and progress.

Prima facie, this optimization problem will involve the solution of one of 23 unsolved problems provided by German mathematician Hilbert at the end of 20th century; but appropriate estimates will do the work and actual solving of problem can be done later.

Hence my company will sale few extra percent of multiplayer Arcade machines in addition to normal arcade Machines as well.
Hardware designs of multiplayer Arcade machines is not difficult for me. I have to provide extra joystick outlets and programming needs to be done for multiplayer mode and enhance UI. So that players could teamed up to defeat waves of enemies together.

Also adding High score board feature will add a competitive element and encouraging replayability.

Original Space Invaders didn't have a strong or detailed narrative or backstory. By incorporating a captivating storyline or background narrative that explains the invasion of the aliens and the player's mission to defend Earth will add a sense of purpose and immersion.

Apart from having elements like an alien invasion plot, the defense of Earth; having quest to rescue captured humans and/or cutscenes between levels or at significant milestones etc. not only will provide context and motivation for the player but also will add depth to the gameplay experience.

The original Space Invaders used a simple joystick and button controls with a joystick for movement and a button for shooting. Enhancing the controls with more responsive and precise mechanisms, such as more accurate joystick movements or the ability to fine-tune aiming, will improved the player's ability to maneuver, navigate and shoot accurately.

I can also allow players to customize the control scheme to their preference, such as using different buttons for shooting or moving, to create more personalized experience but in these times of Arcade machines and game consoles; it will increase the cost unnecessarily. Until the development of internet and online gaming, it will be more wise for me to sit on this particular aspect.

These are all the things regarding Game. Let's focus on market. One of the biggest competitors of Galaxy video games Pvt. Ltd. is Atari, Nintendo and Sony (soon). With the help of previous life's information, I know the fall trajectory of Atari as well as factors contributing to it's fall eg. 1983 game market crash, Nintendo's rise etc.

Atari has historical value and valuable assets in it's possession but due to rise of Galaxy video games Pvt. Ltd, it's not at the level at it was in my previous life before 1983. With two great video game hits and one soon to be one of the greatest video game hit; My company's financial valuation has soared multiple times.

When I will decide on IPO to raise funds from public, I might consider acquisition of Atari to boost share price during trading day. But these things are still in future. With all the plans, resources and layout being present and cleared, I immediately started to building space invaders.

With state level Olympiad exams one and half months apart; I vowed to complete the game before that. I became busy with my work, going back & forth between home, school and company.

I designed my own custom hardware and development tools for the game. I used an Intel 8080 central processing unit (CPU) available at that time, displays raster graphics on a CRT monitor using a bitmapped framebuffer, and used multiaural sound hosted by a combination of analog circuitry and a Texas Instruments SN76477 sound chip. Same microprocessor was used earlier in discrete logic game Western Gun, after the designer was impressed by the improved graphics and smoother animation of Midway's version.

I also adopted the multi-chip barrel shifter circuit first developed by Midway for Gun Fight in space invaders, which will become a key part of game's smoother animation. This circuit allowed the 8080 CPU to shift pictures in the graphics framebuffer faster than it could using only its own native instructions.

I made control program board powerful enough so that it can display the graphics in color and move the enemies faster. While programming the game, I made  processor to render each frame of the alien's animation graphics faster when there are fewer aliens on the screen for challenging gameplay mechanism. Since the alien's positions update after each frame, this caused the aliens to move across the screen at an increasing speed as more and more get destroyed.

In the absence of colour monitor, I used my breakthrough in electronically generated limited colour overlay, orange & green cellophane strips and semi-transparent mirror in Arcade machines to paint starry background and reflect it towards players.

Regarding music in game, I made careful considerations. Eg. whereas video game music prior to Space Invaders was restricted to the extremities (i.e., a short introductory theme with game-over counterpart), this alien-inspired hit will feature continuous music — the well-known four-note loop, consisting of the first four notes of the descending D minor natural scale — throughout, uninterrupted by sound effects. It will thus be the first time that sound effects and music will be superimposed to form a rich sonic landscape. Due to this, not only players will receive feedback related directly to their actions through sound effects; they will also receive stimulus in a more subtle, non-interactive fashion through music.

Not only that, music's interaction with on-screen animation will certainly influence the emotions of the player. This seemingly pedestrian four-note loop is capable of stirring us in the most primitive of ways. I going to use a psychological fact way before than anyone else that game sound is more than a simple tune to fill the silence, it brings game music closer to the realm of art.

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