come fly with me (2)

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(Outside the cafe)

Gloria : Hmm, the cute busboy doesn't know that you're smart.

Alex : What?

Gloria : He's been smiling at you every time he comes to the table.

Alex : He does not!

Gloria : Why do you think we are the only people with bread?
Look, one day, you are going to want to date a cute guy like that.
When that day comes, you're gonna want to look beautiful, And then you'll wear a dress.

Alex : So, you ever kiss another girl?
Gloria : That's no way to talk to your grandmother.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household

Claire : Alex and I can't just disagree. I mean, she has to turn
everything into a fight.

Manny : Hmm, a strong, independent woman. Sounds like somebody else I know.

Claire : I was never hostile, thou. This... this whole thing with the
dress -- Never had this problem with Haley.

Manny : Maybe Alex doesn't want to compete with her big sister.
Maybe she's trying to create her own identity. Put her in a dress
and she disappears for one afternoon. I wouldn't give up being myself for even one second.
Claire : Wow. It would have been hard to remember you're only 10 years old but talking such deep meaning words but sorry William is way better than you.

Manny : yes, you are right. But that's okay.

Claire : Yeah. Hello? Olives? Yeah.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Pritchett household

Jay : That'll do it. Don't touch it. All right. You want to go fly it?

Phil : Sure.

(Both moved to open area and Jay is flying)

Phil : Now can I try it?

Jay : No.

Phil : I should get one of those. I've always loved planes. You
know, if things had gone a little differently in my life, I think I
would have been a pilot. Hey, what would happen if you turned the remote off And then back on real fast?

Jay : Yeah, you would have been a great pilot.

Phil : So, can you do a... can you do a loop- de- loop?

Jay : If I wanted to.

Phil : No way!

Phil : Can I try it?

Jay : No.

Phil : Okay. I can see why you like this. It's so peaceful. It's like the
whole world just...Disappears out here. I remember this one

Jay : I'll tell you what.

Phil : Hmm?

Jay : There's another trick called "threading the needle." I used to
do it with Claire and Mitch when they were kids. You want to try

Phil : How does it go?

Jay : You grab one of those hoops over there And go to the far, far,
far end of the field and stand there, And I fly the plane through it.

Phil : Um, that sounds awesome! And then I get a chance flying it?

Jay : No.

Phil : Okay. How's this?

Jay : Not far enough. Go on. Okay, further down.

Phil : Está bien. Más lejos.

Jay : You can't go too far.

Phil : Right, okay. I get it. I get it! How's this?

Jay : Good! Now stand still! Don't move!

Phil : Ay! Let's do it! Whoo! Whoo! I love it! I love it! You drove
the plane into my face.

Jay : You must have moved. I told you to stay still.

Phil : I didn't move!

Jay : Try not to talk. I want to make sure nothing's broken(checking his plane).

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household

Claire : Was my mom hard on me growing up? Yeah, she was, but
you know what? Back then, everything was Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. They didn't understand...

Gloria : Hola. We're back.

Alex : Hello.

Claire : Hey, how'd it go?

Gloria : It was great. Did you have fun with Luke?

Manny : Well, not...

Claire : They had a great time. Alex, I've been thinking, and... if
you don't want to wear a dress to the wedding, it's not the end of
the world.

Alex : It's all right. I bought one.

Claire : Do you see how she has to provoke me?

Manny : We'll talk about it next week.

Jay : Clear the way. Coming through. Coming through.

Phil : Ow! Ow! I need to rest my face.

Jay : You're fine. You'll be all right.

Claire : Oh, my god!

Alex : Dad!

Jay : Little accident. Nothing big.

Phil : I was in a plane crash.

Claire : What happened?

Jay : We were threading the needle, and somebody moved.

Phil : No, I didn't. You did it on purpose.

Jay : That's the painkiller talking. He's a little loopy.

Gloria : How bad is it?

Jay : Well, the wing is cracked, the propeller's bent, But I can...(talking about his plane)

Gloria : I mean Phil.

Phil : I was in a plane crash.

Alex : Thanks, dad.

Jay : I didn't ask him to be there. He insisted. He took a chance.
This is what happened.

Claire : Kind of like the time you ran over his foot?

Gloria : You ran over his foot?

Jay : That was an accident.

Claire : You know, dad, you did it on purpose. We all saw the tire
marks on the lawn.

Jay : I had just quit smoking. See, you're upsetting your husband.

Phil : Water.

Claire : I'll get it.

Gloria : You okay?

Phil : Gloria. Thank god you're here.

Manny : Don't worry. I'm here, too.

Phil : Who's this?

Jay : Wasn't my fault.

Claire : Oh, I have seen you thread the needle a million times. You never miss.

Jay : Yeah, I must be getting old.

Claire : Why don't you just admit it? You never liked Phil. And
put that down. You do not get a cookie.

Jay : I like Phil. It's just that sometimes he tries too hard, you know? And it's just kind of... irritating.

Claire : Okay, maybe he tries too hard, because you make zero
effort with him. You know what? In the 16 years that we've been
married, have you one time told him that you liked him?

Jay : Not in those exact words, no.

Claire : No, not in any words, dad. How do you think that makes
me feel?

Gloria : You've never told your son that you love him?

Jay : Whoa, whoa, when did we jump to "love"? And he's
technically not my son.

Gloria : Ah. So that means that you don't love Manny, either?

Jay : Well, sure I do. I mean, believe me, when I was in that park, I really wished Manny was there.

Gloria : For what? So that you could fly the plane into his head? Huh?

Claire : Dad, thanks so much for bringing Phil home. I found one
of your little flaps in his hair, so...

Jay : Actually, this is called an aileron. It controls the...

Claire : Yeah, 'cause that's what matters right now. Bye, dad.

Jay : Hey, Phil.

Phil : Jay. Ow!

Jay : What, are you made of china? Phil, I just want you to know, I'm sorry. And whether I missed or you moved...

Phil : I didn't.

Jay : Either way... I just want to say that I like you.

Phil : Really?

Jay : Yeah.

Phil : What do you like about me?

Jay : You're a nice guy. You try real hard.

Phil : I do. You're a good dad.

Jay : I am a good dad.

Phil : Come here. Come here, you. This feels so right.

Mitchell : What's going on?

Gloria : There was a little accident, But Jay's telling Phil how much he loves him.

Cameron : Oh, well, that's nice for Phil.

Mitchell : That's great, since he's never said anything like that to
my boyfriend.

Cameron : Let it go.

Mitchell : No, it's not okay.

Gloria : Mitch is right. You go in there, too, cam. Come on.

Jay : You're kidding.

Gloria : Jay!

Jay : Come on in, Cam.

Cameron : A little hug?

Jay : Get in here.

Gloria : Say it, say it!

Jay : I like you, too, Cam.

Phil : What do you like about him?

Jay : Oh, geez.

Gloria : Where did you get that camera?

Mitchell : From Mall while shopping.

Claire : Thanks, dad.

Gloria : Manny, picture. Get in there, too.

Phil : Get in here, Manny.

Gloria : Stay still, say, "cheese!"

Jay : Don't push it.

Together : Cheese!

Gloria : Picture!

Together : Cheese! Cheese! Queso!

Cameron : How beautiful!

Jay : Oh, boy!

Phil : Doesn't it feel like his arms could go around the world?

Cameron : I think I strained something.

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