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All the color drained out of my face, "His...intended..? You mean my mother was your brother's...f-f-fiancée?!" my voice was barely above a whisper, my heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest. He hummed as he walked away to put his sword back in its sheath, "She was. But she ran away with your father. I'm surprised my brother hasn't killed him yet, to be honest," he replied nonchalantly. I was about to say something when I heard Florian call my name, I saw the man tense and was worried he'd attack Florian so I left without another word.

-Zeldris' POV-
I heard someone call Vipin's name then she spread her wings and took off. She must've been afraid I'd attack whoever it was. She wasn't wrong, the only reason I didn't attack her was because I could feel her demonic aura. And if they were a fighter, they'd be able to feel mine as well. It was obvious to me she didn't know she was half-demon, which made me chuckle to myself as her fairy wings were shrouded in darkness. Surely someone would've said something to her at some point, right? I couldn't deny though, she was attractive and her chest was begging me to touch her, so I went to go take care of it out of view.

-My POV-
I was moving so fast that I nearly ran right into Florian, "Vipin, are you okay? You seem freaked out," he asked sweetly, his silver eyes searched my pinkish purple ones. I shook off the thoughts of everything I'd just learned from the black haired man, "Yes! I'm fine. Just wanted to make sure you were okay, Florian." He frowned briefly, he didn't believe me, but quickly recovered and hugged me, "I'm alright, love. Let's go home. Your father and mother stopped by for dinner." I grinned, it'd been awhile since my parents had visited.

"Papa! Mama!" I exclaimed as I burst through our front door. Father grinned and scooped me up into a hug, "Hello there, Vipin. How are you?" I grinned back, "Not so bad. The southern forest is beautiful!" He patted my head, "Its a lot different than the northern forests I'm sure, but I'm glad you're happy." He furrowed his brows and narrowed his eyes slightly then smiled again and went to speak with Florian. I looked at him confused, what was that? I went to catch up with my mother to distract myself. After dinner I cornered my father as he was by himself at the moment. "Papa...can I ask you a question?" I began but was startled when he turned to me and harshly growled, "Stay away from him, Vipin! You'll get yourself kidnapped or even worse, killed!" My eyes were wide with fright, he'd never behaved this way towards me before, "Who are you talking about Papa?" He clenched his fists, "I can feel his residual magic on you. He'll hurt you, Vipin and I-" Once I'd gotten over my initial shock, I scowled at him, "If you'd just tell me a little bit about my biological mother, maybe I wouldn't be so curious, Father!" I exclaimed before storming out of the house and towards the forest. I flew faster than normal, I was angrier than usual at my father for this. He'd ignored my questions throughout the years but tonight was even more aggravating. Why, I wasn't sure, but I quickly arrived back at the clearing where I had seen the dark haired man earlier.

I gritted my teeth as I stood in the clearing, my irritation was rising exponentially, I'd never felt this way before. I decided to splash water on my face so I knelt next to the river. Just as I was about to put my hands in, my heart felt like it stopped. My eyes...my eyes were black?! And a mark on my face next to my left eye...what was happening?! I fell backwards onto my ass in shock, my breathing had picked up and I was starting to hyperventilate. It worsened when the black haired man appeared in front of me and put his hands on the sides of my face, "Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. You're gonna pass out if you don't slow your breathing," he urged and did the breathing exercise with me until I calmed down. My face was on fire from him touching me and how close his body was to mine. "T-thank y-y-you," I stuttered out, my heart was pounding. He gave me a genuine smile then helped me stand, "You really have no idea, do you?" I looked at him with a confused expression making him chuckle. He patted my head, normally I would've been annoyed but there was something about him. "What do you mean, 'I have no idea'?" I asked quietly. He grinned, "Do you know anything about your mother at all?"

The Other Guy (Zeldris x OC x Meliodas)Where stories live. Discover now