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-Florian's POV-
I staggered backwards a little, "A d-demon?! And she was with your brother the night of our wedding? Why?!" Zeldris rolled his eyes, "Yes, a demon. How should I know why my brother does what he does? She's the one that told me he found her, though I do have a guess as to why he went after her." I finally put my sword away as well, he didn't seem to be hostile any longer and he was giving me the answers I was looking for. I sighed heavily, "Why do you think he was with her?" I asked quietly, staring into his green eyes. He stared back for a few moments before answering, "I'll tell you, but first a warning." I tensed immediately, "If my brother comes for her, there's nothing you can do to stop him. Don't even attempt to keep her with you, you'll lose your life," his voice was calm and cold. "What do you mean come for her?! There's no way in hell I'd let anyone take her from me!" I growled, I started to grab my sword again when he was in front of me in an instant, his hand wrapped tightly around my wrist. "Let go of me!" I attempted to yank my arm away but he didn't budge in the slightest. "Listen to me! My brother is the future Demon King, the most vile demon in existence. He will kill you," he hissed, his presence then froze me to my core along with his words. "As for why he may eventually come for Vipin...I'm telling you this because I care about her, but..." Zeldris let go of my arm and sighed, "Vipin's mother, Vylera, was my brother Meliodas' fiancée. She was going to be his queen...and Vipin not only looks identical to Vylera...she also inherited her magic. Meaning my brother likely sees her as an invaluable asset for our clan."

My heartbeat was deafening as I stared at the man before me. I started to feel lightheaded, I wasn't sure what to say or do really. "You said you cared for her...can you convince him to leave her alone? Won't he listen to-" I started only to be cut off by his sad laughter. "Meliodas is known as the most vile demon in existence for a reason. We're all afraid of him except my father, the current Demon King. Why would he listen to me? He won't even give me the time of day to talk about anything other than fighting. Trying to interfere will only get yourself killed," he responded then turned to leave. "Where are you going?" I called out to him. He stopped and looked at me over his shoulder, "I have a job to do. Tell Vipin I'll see her later." I frowned at the thought of Vipin being friends with Zeldris, even if he had willingly answered all my questions. She just met him and he cared for her? I didn't like it and wanted to question him more but I'd been gone too long, Vipin was likely wondering where I was.

-My POV-
I stretched underneath the blankets and was about to curl up again when I realized Florian wasn't in bed with me. Where was he? I didn't feel him in our home at all, it wasn't like him to leave without telling me. I shoved the blankets off and stood up to grab my clothes when I felt Florian heading home from the forest. Why was he out there this early in the morning? I dressed quickly and headed downstairs, intending to head towards him when he opened the door. "Florian, is something wrong?" I asked quietly in a worried voice, he looked distraught. "Uhm...Vipin...we need to talk," he insisted after grabbing my hand to lead me somewhere. I furrowed my brows, what was wrong with him so early in the morning? This wasn't like him at all, normally he was a happy and calm person. I wasn't sure what to say as we walked out the back door and towards the lake that was nearby, my heart started racing as I became increasingly nervous from his behavior. He stopped at a large weeping willow tree that grew next to the lake and sat down, pulling me down with him. I faced him and grabbed both his hands in mine, "Florian, you're scaring me...what's wrong?!" I blurted out. He sighed heavily and finally met my mulberry colored eyes with his silver ones, "I saw you with Zeldris yesterday and-"

I looked at him with confusion all over my face, "How do you know Zeldris?" I asked quietly. His face was stoic, "I tracked him down and confronted him this morning. Were you ever going to tell me about him? Or that you're half-demon?" his voice became increasingly frustrated as he spoke. "Florian...I just found out myself and I was scared that you'd hate me and-" I started to try to explain but he was angry with me, "I'd never hate you for something like that Vipin, you know that! Also, why did you never tell me about meeting his brother the night of our wedding?! Were you ever going to tell me that?!" I wasn't sure what to do or say, would I have ever told him? When I met Zeldris, I thought it was Meliodas that I was feeling near our home...what would've happened had it been him instead? Florian was glaring at me as he awaited my answer, "Florian, I...I don't know if I ever would've told you about Meliodas. It was a weird encounter and I never thought I'd see him again. I haven't but I also didn't intend to meet Zeldris. He helped me when I accidentally released my demon magic..." My husband sighed and I gasped when tears welled in his eyes, "Vip...Zeldris warned me that his brother may come for you one day because of his relationship with your mother. He said there's nothing I could do to stop him. I'm just so worried, I don't know what I'll do if something like that happens to you!" he choked out and strangled me in a tight hug.

The Other Guy (Zeldris x OC x Meliodas)Where stories live. Discover now