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Once we'd each calmed down a bit, I sat down at the table in our kitchen and looked up at Zeldris, "Zel...what's going on?" I glanced at Florian then back to Zeldris. It seemed Florian knew a little bit of what had happened. Zeldris sat across from me and sighed, Florian grabbed us each some wine that we kept for special occasions then sat next to me to face Zeldris.

"I just want to clarify that when I first met you, Vipin, I had no idea. I didn't know for sure until you accidentally kissed me but...demons have what's known as a sálufélagi. In the non-demon tongue it's likely equivalent to what you'd call a fated mate. If we'd both been born in the demon realm, we would've known since childhood. When demons are 18 in human years, they perform the ritual I did with you and their bond is complete. If they ignore it and don't do the ritual, their minds will slowly devolve until they're like mindless beasts and it'll force the ritual to happen. Because you're only half-demon, it didn't affect you as much when I realized it, but it did me. You likely just thought you were attracted to me like you would've been any other person. Meliodas knew it was only a matter of time before I would've been driven mad and I was stalling because I wanted to explain everything. I didn't want to rip you away from your life like that without telling you what was going on. But my brother being who he is, forced the issue and since you didn't know what was happening, you freaked out and were about to go on a rampage. It forced my hand...you were about to attack Florian and I knew the only way to get you to stop was to start the ritual. I quickly explained it to him before you woke up because I knew once you did we'd both lose our inhibitions so that we'd finish the ritual without fail. I was already stealing you from him...I didn't want him to have to see it..." Zeldris explained, he was choosing his words carefully and his voice was softer than usual. It made me happy that despite destroying Florian's world, he was trying to be considerate of his feelings.

I wasn't sure what to say, I believed him because of the way I was feeling but my world changed dramatically within 3 days...not to mention Florian's. I couldn't feel an ounce of the romantic love I'd had for him no matter how hard I tried, it was all now for Zeldris, someone I didn't really even know. I was terrified, of course I'd go with him but...he lived in the demon realm. I'd never really been out of the forests I was raised in and lived in the fairy and human realms. What was going to happen to Father and Mother? My heart started racing as I realized earlier in the day Florian had gone to his own Father about everything, who likely got in contact with mine. I looked at Zeldris, "Can you give me a moment with Florian, Zel?" I asked quietly. He nodded, "I'll be outside...uhm...I don't want to be an asshole but you should make it quick..." I tilted my head in both confusion and curiosity, he giggled slightly, "You'll start to feel it soon but uhhh...the last part of the ritual we did, uhm...it's gonna be a couple weeks of that so we should probably hole up somewhere..." His cheeks were bright red which matched both mine and Florian's.

We watched Zeldris walk out the door before I turned to Florian with tears in my eyes, "I'm so sorry," I choked out. He cupped my face in his hands and even though he knew I didn't feel love for him romantically anymore, he kissed my lips softly. I returned the kiss for his sake. He sighed heavily and gazed into my mulberry eyes with his silver ones and stroked my indigo hair, "You're still the prettiest fairy I've ever seen, Vipin, and I'll always love you...but I can see it in both your and his eyes that it isn't a lie and I know it's not something either of you can change. I'm just happy I got to spend the last 100 years loving you," he whispered as he used his thumbs to try to wipe away the tears that were continuously flowing down my cheeks.

"What am I supposed to do, Flor? I don't know anything about him or the demon realm and his brother terrifies me and his father is the Demon King!" I put my face in my hands and started sobbing. I loved Zeldris, yeah, but I was petrified of the unknown. He smiled at me lovingly and pinched my nose when I looked up at him, "You are the strongest person I know and you'll have each other, Vipin. Even if he is taking you away from me, I can tell he's a good person. It's not his fault any more than it is yours. I know he'll take care of you for me." I sniffled and hugged him tightly, "You're my best friend Florian and I still love you as a friend," I whispered. He squeezed me tighter, "If you ever need me, Vip, you know where to find me," he whispered back. Just as we parted our hug, we heard my Father growl outside, "Who the hell are you?!" Florian and I jumped from the table and ran outside, I blocked my Father from getting in Zeldris' face just in time. "Vipin? Who is this?!" he asked angrily, glaring at Zeldris. I could feel how tense the demon was behind me, "Who is this, Vipin?" he growled quietly. "Father, this is Zeldris. Zeldris, this is my father Lapis Blackgarden," I introduced them. My Father bared his teeth at Zel before his angry eyes met mine, "I thought you were going to stay away from him, Vipin!" I crossed my arms and huffed, "I'm not going to let you control my life, Father. Zeldris hasn't done anything to hurt me in the slightest and-"

"He might not but his brother will!" he shouted back then grabbed my arm. Zeldris hadn't said anything directly to my Father nor moved until then, he pulled me free of my Father's grasp and got in his face, "Don't touch her!" I knew immediately he was using his demon magic by the change in his aura. Father looked at Florian incredulously, "Why is he coming to my daughter's defense and not you? Last I checked, you were her husband, not him!" Zeldris scoffed then grabbed my hand and started to walk off with me, "Come on, Vip. I know it's not as strong for you but I'm about to lose my mind," he insisted. "No...Vipin...tell me he's not..." I heard my Father's quiet voice, barely above a whisper. My eyes darkened to black and my demon mark appeared on my forehead and around my left eye, matching Zeldris' exactly. I nodded slightly, "He is, Papa..." I admitted softly. Father glanced at Florian, realizing that's why Zeldris was outside our home, "Vipin...I never thought...you're only half...Florian..." Florian smiled sadly at me, "I just want Vip to be happy and taken care of. I know Zeldris will do that." Whatever Zeldris was feeling suddenly hit me all at once, I needed in his pants now. Before I lost control of myself I looked at Florian and my Father, "I'll be okay, don't worry about me. I love you!"

Neither of them got a chance to respond as Zeldris couldn't take it anymore, he yanked me up into the sky and flew quickly, I was shocked by his speed. He landed just as fast and ripped my shirt up over my head followed by his own. I moaned excitedly as his tongue danced with mine, that plus his palms on my erect nipples as he groped my chest was increasing my lust for him exponentially. All thought and reason had left our minds, our only purpose in life was to fuck each other. Zeldris kissed his way down my jawline, neck, collarbone, and stomach to pull my shorts down then eagerly slipped out of his own pants. I giggled slightly then whimpered when his fingers tickled my pussy, he grunted in excitement at my wetness and couldn't take it any longer. I gasped at the sudden fullness of his cock inside me as he'd picked me up and shoved himself inside my pussy. I was pinned between his body and a tree, my moans were depraved as he fucked me hard and nibbled on my neck, I couldn't contain myself. The tension in my core was building rapidly, I shoved my tongue in his mouth and moaned lewdly as I came on his dick. My moans became screams of ecstasy as he continued fucking me even after I felt him fill me with his hot cum. "S-s-stop Z-Zel, I c-can't t-t-take it anym-m-more!" I panted out. He groaned a little as the overstimulation got to him then he giggled at my begging. I kissed his lips sweetly then nibbled his bottom lip, "You'll pay for that later," I whispered seductively. He grinned and kissed me again, "I can't wait," his voice was husky.

Once we finished getting dressed, Zeldris grabbed my hands and peered down into my eyes, "Vip, I know you didn't choose this but...I hope I can make you happy. And uhm...I hope you like the demon realm as well. It's a lot different than here but it has its perks." I smiled up at him, "I'll be happy as long as you're by my side, Zel." He grinned and kissed my lips deeply, "I love you, Vipin. Now, I wanna take you home. Are you ready?" I nodded and interlocked my fingers with his, "As ready as I'll ever be." We each spread our wings then leapt into the air, I was nervous but excited to be going on this new adventure.

-Florian's POV-
"Florian...when did this happen? Your Father contacted me earlier today to help hide you two..." Lapis murmured after Zeldris and Vipin had disappeared. I sighed and motioned for him to follow me inside, "Vipin left after I had gone to speak with Father. I can only assume she wanted to confront Zeldris after I told her what he'd told me about his brother. I had no idea something like this even existed...but it seems you did. Vipin's mother, she was a demon?" Lapis sat at the table and pushed his fingers through his hair before his eyes met mine again, "Yes, Vipin's mother Vylera was a demon. She actually was Zeldris' brother's fiancé and mate, which makes this kind of ironic. It's like her mother's bloodline is just fated to be with a demon prince..." he trailed off and I sighed heavily. "Vylera...but if what Zeldris said was true about their mates, why did she leave his brother for you?" I asked. His eyes looked like they were full of pain, "She didn't want to be the Demon Queen, so she left. She was in agony for a long time being away from Zeldris' brother. It really does a number on them to be away from their mate. But her knowledge of her clan, how demons mentally operate, and her sheer desire to live freely...she severed that bond with him. Vylera wasn't quite the same afterward but we did fall in love, which is how Vipin came to be. When Vipin was born, Vylera didn't make it and I was constantly terrified that the blonde demon was going to take her away from me. He obviously didn't but...since Vipin was only half-demon and born here, I never would've expected her to have this sort of fate. If I had, I never would've offered her hand to you...I'm so very sorry, Florian," he explained then apologized quietly.

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