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"You know where to get goddess blood? How?" he asked incredulously. I giggled mischievously, "Easy. The goddess Meliodas betrayed the demon clan over gets reincarnated over and over as a human. Surely her blood is fine. Do you have the pieces of the Coffin then?" Fraudrin grinned, "All but the dragon piece, which Meliodas possesses at the moment. Now we just need to figure out how to get them." I giggled yet again, "Easy as well. Meliodas doesn't suspect me of anything and has been trying to get me to protect Britannia with him. He's an idiot if he thinks I'll do that over unsealing Zeldris. I'll find him and bring the dragon piece as well as her blood." After parting ways with Fraudrin, I focused on finding Meliodas. Strangely enough, pinpointing his magical presence was as easy as breathing for me. I wasn't sure why but my guess was because it was similar to Zeldris'.

He seemed to be somewhere to the northeast of Danafor, I'd heard he'd started running a tavern. It took me a few hours to fly, by the time I arrived it was dark but I could see lights on. However, before I even got to the tavern a fairy accosted me, "Who are you?!" he growled. I eyed him up and down, I could tell from his magic he was the Fairy King. "I'm not anyone important but why is the current Fairy King hanging out around a tavern?" I asked pointedly, giggling when his face changed from anger to confusion and shock. "How do you know who I am?!" his voice was incredulous. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, "It's obvious from the way your magic feels plus I'm a fairy, shouldn't a fairy recognize who the current king is?" He was speechless, I was now clutching my stomach in laughter, "Wow! You're a long ways off from Gloxinia and Dahlia aren't you!"

"Y-you k-knew them?! How old are you?!" he exclaimed. I stuck my tongue out in response, "It's rude to ask a woman her age, Fairy King. Now if you'll excuse me, I have business with Meliodas." He calmed down a little, "You know the Captain too?" I giggled, "The Captain? How ridiculous." He tried to get in my way again but I was too quick, "You'll never catch up with me without your wings, Fairy King!" I continued giggling as I flew straight to the front door of the tavern, landed, then kicked it in. There was a tall skinny man, a pig, the latest reincarnation of Elizabeth, and the blonde demon I was looking for. "I thought I'd find you here, Meliodas," I grinned, "Or should I call you 'Captain'?" I snickered at the end.

Meliodas grinned back, "It's been awhile, Vipin. What can I do for ya?" I skipped up to him, "What, I can't come visit my favorite brother-in-law?" The thin man, the Fairy King who was now in the tavern, the pig, and Elizabeth were all staring at Meliodas with their mouths hanging wide open. "Captain, you have a brother?! And he's married?!" I heard a voice outside the window, it was a giant girl. Meliodas was glaring down at me with a blank face, he must've been keeping secrets from these people. "You've never done so before, I suspect you're needing something, Vip," Meliodas commented as he grabbed some ale for himself and I. I decided to pretend I'd heard rumors about the seal being tampered with but from what I could tell, none of these people knew about the demon clan or the Holy War so I'd wait till later to talk to him.

I chugged the ale and set the mug down, my vivid mulberry eyes stared into his bright blue-green ones, "Later. Why don't you introduce me to your friends, Mel?" He kept my gaze for a few more moments then smiled and looked at his friends, "Everyone, this is Vipin. She's married to my younger brother. Vip, the tall guy is Ban, the pig is Hawk, the giant is Diane, then there's Elizabeth, and King." I giggled and jabbed my thumb at King, "We met outside. So these are your Seven Deadly Sins? Where's the 7th?" He giggled in response, "Ban, Diane, and King are Sins but we haven't found the last three. We're actually looking for them, if you'd like to join us. We could use your magic." I glanced at all his friends then back to him, "Sure, why not? I'm not doing anything else." All of us, minus Hawk and Elizabeth, drank heavily into the night and passed out at the bar. Well, all but Meliodas, who picked me up bridal style to take to a room. He laid me on one of the beds and admired my features as I slept peacefully before stroking my hair lightly, "What're you up to, Vip?" he whispered, knowing I couldn't hear him, then sighed, "I'll never get tired of seeing your face."

The Other Guy (Zeldris x OC x Meliodas)Where stories live. Discover now