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It occurred to me as I jumped out of the Boar Hat, which was now flying, that Zeldris was likely against me fighting against the demon clan but I couldn't help it. Meliodas was also my sálufélagi, he needed my help so of course I was going to help him. We quickly destroyed the Albion, it was easy with the two of us. I noticed my dark haired lover was in the doorway staring at us with a blank face, "Are you okay, Zel?" I watched him take a deep breath and sigh heavily before jumping down to be by my side. "Vip, we were fighting together in the war before...I want you by my side again to finish it," he had grabbed hold of my hands gently and was gazing into my mulberry colored eyes. I opened my mouth to reply when Meliodas stepped up next to me to put an arm around my waist, "She's going to be fighting by my side this time, Zel. So either you can switch sides, or preferably, you can leave." Zeldris gritted his teeth, "I'm not leaving her here with you. She's coming with me!" he pulled me towards him as he finished his last declaration. However, Meliodas tightened his grip and pulled me towards him. I whined in response, already over this jealous back and forth teenage bullshit. I was about to yell at them when the three of us froze, a Commandment was on their way.

"72? It should've only taken me 70 steps to get here..." we heard Galand's voice complaining. I giggled, I knew he was planning to destroy Britannia but he and I were friends when I'd lived in the demon realm. Once the dust cleared he grinned at me, "Vipin! I see our fearless leader found you. Let's make quick work of the traitor and..." he started then noticed Meliodas' arm around my waist and stopped speaking. Zeldris was still holding my hands but had turned slightly to look at Galand. "What am I looking at here?" he asked the three of us, neither brother had any intention of letting me go. "Hi Galand! It's been awhile. How're you liking Britannia?" I asked, trying to make him ignore the brothers but it was difficult considering they were glued to my body. Galand narrowed his eyes at the three of us and out of curiosity took a swing at Zeldris. I immediately tore away from both of them to block Galand's attack and Meliodas jumped in front of me. Since his power had been stolen he couldn't block well enough and was thrown back into me and consequently Zeldris, knocking us into a mostly demon pile on the ground. Just as we stood up he tried to attack Meliodas, to which I blocked, and Zeldris blocked me. Only Zeldris had all his power and held firm against Galand. "What do you think you're doing, Galand?" Zeldris growled at him as he shoved his glaive away with his sword. Galand laughed wholeheartedly, "I can't believe this! Vipin, is the traitor your sálufélagi as well?! That's hilarious!!"

Knowing Galand was the Commandment of Truth, we couldn't lie to him. "Yes...Meliodas is my sálufélagi as well. You'll answer to me if you try to hurt either of them," I answered through gritted teeth. He turned his attention to my dark haired lover again, "What of you? Are you really going to share your sálufélagi with your traitorous brother of all people? Are you going to join him?" Zeldris growled to himself in discontent, he had no intention of joining his brother but he wasn't going to leave me behind either. Zel turned to me again, "Vip. Please, come with me. I need your help to make the other clans pay for what they did. They-" I cut him off, "Zel...the clans alive now have nothing to do with those that sealed our clan away 3000 years ago...I...I didn't want to fight in the first Holy War so..." He furrowed his brows and frowned, "So...you'd rather stay with my brother than come back with me?" the jealousy in his voice was overwhelming. I scowled at him and yanked his face to mine by pulling on the collar of his shirt. I kissed him aggressively, angrily, before pulling away and whispering harshly, "You know that's not what I fucking meant, Zeldris. I love you more than all the realms combined. I just don't want to fight a senseless fight anymore. So if you leave...it's going to destroy me but...I'm not helping you destroy Britannia." He glared at Meliodas behind me, "This is your fault. She wouldn't be-" Before Zel could argue more, Galand was tired of waiting and went to attack Meliodas, enraging me as I went to protect him.

The Other Guy (Zeldris x OC x Meliodas)Where stories live. Discover now