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"What?! How absurdly disgusting, having brothers as your lovers. But I guess that's the demon clan for you," the woman looked like she was going to be sick. "You didn't answer my question," I smirked as I caught her off guard and wrapped a vine around her throat. "Vipin, please don't hurt Margaret's body!" Gilthunder shouted from behind, I looked past Margaret. "Her body? Then she's possessed?" I glared at him then back to her, "I am the Archangel Ludociel. You would do well to watch your tone when speaking to me." I scoffed and spat on the ground, "I wouldn't give a fuck if you were the Supreme Deity herself, you're here to kill my lovers, so I'll just give you a little encouragement on some soul searching." I used thorned vines to grab hold of Ludociel's arms and legs, small cuts started to bleed. I flew over to him and grinned maliciously as I reached out to put my fingers on his temples when I heard someone shout, "Hibernation!" then I was stabbed through the thigh with a giant icicle covered in wisteria. My black eyes flashed to my Father's hazel eyes, "W-w-what are you doing Fa...ther?" I gasped out before collapsing, my magic dissipated off of Ludociel. Zeldris was enraged and immediately threw a slash of darkness at my father which missed as Merlin teleported him to a different spot.

"You'd attack your own daughter?! You piece of shit!" my dark haired lover growled then was about to attack Ludociel as he was about to take the opportunity of me being unconscious to kill me. Only a Perfect Cube formed around me to prevent them from both getting in. "Ludociel, keep the other two busy! Escanor, you and I will restrain Zeldris to keep him still long enough for Lapis to put him to sleep!" Merlin ordered, Ludociel scoffed and gritted his teeth as he blocked a swing of Zeldris' sword and shoved him away to go on the offensive with Chandler and Cusack. Escanor and Merlin immediately charged Zeldris, the former locked Rhitta with Zel's sword and Merlin used binding magic on his legs while he was distracted. "Lapis, now!" Merlin exclaimed, an icicle covered in wisteria pierced Zeldris' side as my father yelled, "Hibernation!" Zel instantly collapsed. Merlin moved me next to him and put us in a cube together, "Lapis, how long will your Hibernation keep them out?" He looked forlorn as he stared down at my face, "Days most likely. Wisteria is particularly toxic to demons. My magic is part of the reason Fairy King Gloxinia had me rule over the northern forests. Wisteria withstands the cold and with it's toxic properties for demons...it keeps them out for days on end. Paired with my ability to control ice and snow...it was easy to protect the forests."

"Mel, no! Please let me help you!" I screamed as he'd been grabbed by the Demon King at the last minute on the way down the gate back to Earth. I was in agony, I couldn't lose him like I lost Zel. I knew he was physically okay in Britannia but he wasn't himself and it'd kill me to see him that way. "I'll be right behind you, Vip! I promise!" I heard my blonde lover yell back, I let out a sob, "You better keep your promise, Meliodas!"

"You pathetic fools. My disappointment of a son is gone, this is my body now," the Demon King grinned maliciously at the those opposing him. He noticed Zeldris and I still passed out in the Perfect Cube, "At least Zeldris and his sálufélagi were loyal to the demon clan until Meliodas' tainted mind poisoned Vylera's daughter. Now that he's gone, they can help me destroy the rest of you!" The Demon King used Absolute Cancel on our prison and was about to wake us when Elizabeth got in his way, "Get out of Meliodas' body!" His laugh was sinister before he glared at the goddess before him, "Why do you even care about him anymore? As soon as Vylera's daughter came around, you were nothing but yesterday's forgotten leftovers. You're nothing to him now. A speck of dust in the doused fire that was your relationship." Tears stung Elizabeth's eyes as she continued to glare at the Demon King, standing in his way of getting to Zeldris and I. "That may be so, but I will never stop caring for him and I will do what I can to save him from you!" she exclaimed as she gathered magic to fight him, only to be interrupted by Ban. "Princess, let me handle this jackass. You see that Zeldris and Vipin wake up, their emotions should be back now," he grinned at the group then went to battle with the Demon King.

The Other Guy (Zeldris x OC x Meliodas)Where stories live. Discover now