Chapter 1 Part 3

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"Now what?" I asked Jasmine when I was done brushing her hair.

She leaned forward and opened one of the drawers and pulled out a stick of lipstick. "Makeup?" She asked. She always had to put makeup on before she got dressed.

I nodded. "Go ahead," I told her.

She smiled as she put the lipstick on her lips. It was purple lipstick. She liked the color purple. After the lipstick, she almost did a full makeover on her face by herself. She didn't dye her hair though. She always asked to dye her hair purple but dying hair took too long to do, at least in my opinion.

"Dye hair purple?" Jasmine asked hopefully as she held up the purple dye bottle that Mommy had gotten her for her birthday.

I shook my head. "Not today Jasmine," I told her. Jasmine frowned and was about to cry so I added, "It took too long the first time, remember?"

We had tried to put on the purple dye on Jasmine's hair during her second birthday with us. She was twenty and I was twelve. I struggled to figure out how to dye her hair and Mommy had to come help. We ended up spending almost five hours trying to make it perfect for Jasmine.

When it was done, Jasmine had purple hair. Not dark purple. Almost like a neon kind of purple. She loved it but I'll never go through that again. 

"Maybe we can do it for your birthday, okay?" I suggested. 

"Okay!" Jasmine cried happily, oblivious to Mommy's unhappy look at the thought of dying hair again. 

"Emily's turn!" Jasmine cried as I finished helping her into clean clothes several moments later. 

Guess I have to get ready. It was only fair, right? 

Jasmine let me sit on the stool and started to do my hair. "I can do it," I told her, reaching for the hairbrush. 

She pulled the hairbrush back. "Jasmine wanna do it!" She said. She waited for me to put my hand down before she brushed my hair. She's seen me brush hair plenty of times that she knew the basis of brushing hair. I watched her from the mirror over the counter to make sure she was doing it right. 

"Makeup?" Jasmine asked when she was done. 

I was about to shake my head when I knew she only wanted to do my makeover. So I let her.

"You could be a stylist," I told Jasmine as she was doing my eyes. I hated mascara. It made my eyes droopy and crusty but Jasmine always topped it off with eyeliner.

"Don't move!" Jasmine ordered me as she was working on her "masterpiece" as she called it. But I could see her smiling with pleasure in the mirror's reflection.

"Do Emi think Mommy works today?" Jasmine asked as she finished.

"I hope not," I replied.

"Yeah, that'll be bad!" Jasmine said. She glanced over at Mommy. "Right Mommy?"

I looked over and saw Mommy smiling a little. "Right Jasmine," she said. "But I have to go if they call me. Which hopefully won't be today because then I wouldn't be able to spend the day with my girls!" Mommy came over to us and brought us in a group hug.

Jasmine screamed with delight while I cried, "Mommy no!" As she showered us with tickles and kisses.

But just as we were enjoying Mommy's tickle fight, her phone dinged. Mommy sighed and let go of us to check her phone. "I have to go to work," she said. "They need me up at the guards station."

"Nooo!" Jasmine whined. She pouted and her eyes welled up.

"Do you have to?" I asked, weary of Jasmine's emotions.

The Banished Hybrid book 1: Hybrid's Revenge (14+) (Draft 1) Where stories live. Discover now