Chapter 10 Part 1

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When I woke up again, I was in a prison cell. I groaned and pushed myself up from the cold ground. My head and side ached but when I felt my side with my hand, the arrow was gone, leaving a scar down my left side. Hopefully it healed soon. If my magic was smart enough to heal my body.

"You're awake!" A cheerful voice sounded from near the other side of the cell.

I looked over and saw Lily shackled to the wall in chains. Jasmine was in the other corner, leaning against it and facing away from everyone. Mommy was leaning against the wall, still delirious and looking in pain.

"Jazy!" I cried, ignoring Lily's greeting and rushed over to my sister. I pressed against Jasmine's back, hoping to comfort her. "Jazy, I'm here now. It's okay. Everything's going to be okay." I nuzzled her head, trying to get her to move. 

"Emi?" Jasmine asked weakly with confusion. She turned her head a little in my direction. 

I smiled when we made eye contact. "Yes, it's me," I said, my voice cracking with relief. "It's your sister." 

I kissed Jasmine's cheek and she smiled before she nuzzled my face with her head. She then brought me into a hug a second later, squeezing me tightly. I squeezed her back, not wanting to let her go. 

I buried my head in her shoulder. "I- I was so scared, Jazy!" I told her, my voice cracking with sadness and fear. Tears were flowing down my face. "I thought I lost you!" 

"Emi no lose Jazy!" Jasmine said determinedly, rubbing her face on my shoulder. "Jazy better! Jazy have healing power like Emi and Mommy!" 

We kept hugging for a long while. We had nothing else to do but I was also scared of losing Jasmine again. My father hated me and both him and the Princess wouldn't hesitate to kill either of us again. I needed to make them pay. Mommy was already half dead and I don't even know if we'll get out in time before the poison fully takes her. I'll make Father pay for what he has done to us! 

I growled, making Jasmine whimper and let go of me. "Emi, what wrong?" She asked, not understanding. 

"Father hates me, Jazy," I whined. Jasmine whimpered some more and pressed herself against me. "He wants to kill me! That's why he took Mommy and let the guards hurt you. But I'm going to kill him!" I promised. My fingers clenched as I tensed with anger. "I'm going to make him fear me!" 

"No Emily!" Lily's desperate voice sounded. "Please don't!" 

"Why shouldn't I?" I shot back angrily at her. She winced at my harsh tone. "He destroyed my life, Lily! I was supposed to live here, with my sisters! But all that was taken away by my father! I had to live like a peasant with Mommy and Jazy! He deserves it, Lily! He deserves to be killed by me and the rest of your family as well! You can't stop me! I'll make them see! I'll make them all see!" 

"Emily, please see reason!" Lily pleaded with me but I was too angry to listen to her. "Revenge won't change what happened to you! I know you want to! I know the feeling! There's tons of times where I want to get back at my family for how they treat me! I'm a princess like you but Mother hates the fact that there is another girl prettier than her! She treats me like crap! I know that doesn't mean anything to you, but there's another way! You can leave the castle and be with your mother and sister! No one has to die!" 

"I'm sorry Lily," I growled, making up my mind. "Father has to die! It's the only way we'll ever be free!" 

"Emily?" I heard Mommy's voice asked groggily with confusion. "Is that you?" 

"Mommy!" Jasmine cried with excitement before we rushed over to her. 

"Yes, Mommy," I answered as I knelt beside her. I stroked her long hair. "It's me and Jazy." 

The Banished Hybrid book 1: Hybrid's Revenge (14+) (Draft 1) Where stories live. Discover now