Chapter 4 Part 2

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Once I let go of Jasmine after the barrier was complete, Jasmine scrambled up and ran toward the entrance only to be knocked backwards by the barrier. "No! No!" Jasmine screamed. "Egg alone! Egg must have Jazy and Emi!" 

She kept running into the barrier. "Jasmine, please stop!" I pleaded, running up to her and trying to hold her still. "The barrier won't come down like that! You're hurting yourself!" 

"Jazy out!" Jasmine told me. "Jazy save egg! Egg alone!" 

I shook my head. "I can't let you do that, Jazy," I said. Jasmine began to whimper. "I'm sorry Jazy but we can't save everything that we see, okay? We need to get Mommy!" 

"Mommy," Jasmine mumbled, looking down at the ground. Then looking conflicted, she turned toward the entrance. "Egg," she mumbled. She turned away from the entrance mumbling those two words. "Mommy. Egg. Mommy. Egg." 

After a while, she plopped down on the ground floor. She soon got frustrated in not figuring out what to do. She pulled down on the sides of her hair and cried, "No! No!" 

A knot of sadness welled in my throat as I sat next to Jasmine and leaned against her. I took her hands and held them so she wouldn't hurt herself. She has hurt herself before and it was painful to watch. Why was this so hard for her to decide? Why didn't she totally want to just go rescue Mommy? What's going on inside her head? 

"Egg! Egg!" She said, whimpering. "Mommy! Mommy!" 

"How about after we rescue Mommy, we come back for the egg, sound good?" I suggested. 

"Egg first. Then Mommy," Jasmine said weakly as she looked at me. 

I sighed with annoyance but it was hard for me to be frustrated with my sister for very long. "Fine," I said, annoyance creeping in my tone. "We'll check on the egg in the morning, okay?" 

"Okay!" Jasmine cried with happiness. She gave me a big squeezing hug. 

"Jasmine please! I can't breathe!" I protested. But I had to wait until she stopped hugging me. 

"Hungry now," Jasmine told me after she let go of me. She looked at me expectedly, waiting for me to make food appear. 

I wasn't that hungry since we had breakfast earlier before our run from the guards. But Jasmine started to whimper when I didn't make food appear right away. I should've known she would want food even after eating.

So I waved my hand and made her favorite flavor of chips appear. Her eyes brightened with delight when she saw the chips. "Chips!" She cried with happiness and took the bag from my hand. She ripped the bag open and began stuffing her mouth with the cheese flavored chips. 

I rolled my eyes with amusement. Jasmine loved her chips. I waited for her to finish eating them. When she was this hungry, she normally didn't share with me. That was fine since I could make food appear anytime I wanted. 

Once Jasmine finished with her chips she said, "Thirsty now." She had thrown the empty bag on the cave floor. I made a can of Rootbeer appear and she took it from me and chugged it almost immediately. When she was done, she crushed the can and dropped it on the ground too. 

"Tired now," she said, yawning and snuggling up against me to fall asleep. 

"Jazy cold! Jazy cold!" She complained several moments later. At least she forgot about the egg. For now. 

I sighed and waved my hand again to make a blanket appear. She took it and I helped to wrap it around us. It wasn't like how we would snuggle in bed together to keep warm but it was better than nothing. 

The Banished Hybrid book 1: Hybrid's Revenge (14+) (Draft 1) Where stories live. Discover now