Chapter 7 Part 3

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But I couldn't. I growled as I heard happy voices coming from Alice and her family. There was even a moment where I had accidentally let my claws out and clawed Jasmine's hair.

"Ow!" Jasmine yelped as she quickly sat up and rubbed the back of her head with her hand. She gave me a hurt expression. "Why Emi do that? Emi hurt Jazy!"

I sat up too and sighed. "I'm sorry Jazy," I said, refusing to look at her. We looked at my clawed hands.

Jasmine whimpered. "Hand scary," she said.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I know," I replied softly. I looked at her. "I just don't like how happy they are out there," I went on as I made my claws sheathe into my fingers.

Jasmine whimpered again and nuzzled me. I leaned against her and took her hand. Even though I had Jasmine, I never felt more alone than I did tonight. I still couldn't help thinking about how happy my Mommy and father would be if we were together. We're not together because of father! It was his fault! It was all his fault!

I growled again, deeper this time. I didn't even hear Jasmine whimper until she cried out in pain, ripping her hand from my grasp. She whimpered as she nursed her hand, rocking back and forth in anguish as she babbled to her hand.

"I'm sorry Jazy," I apologized again. I laid my hand against her shoulder and she flinched. I should have known that she was sensitive to people hurting her. It was just one of those nights where I was only thinking about myself and my messed up family. So much so that I was hurting my only best friend who I had.

Jasmine ignored me and continued to babble at her hand. I watched her quietly for a while with her becoming more upset when she couldn't figure out why her hand hurt. Fireclaw had jumped up and started to lick her face in comfort but Jasmine also ignored him.

"Jazy, do you want chips?" I whispered in her ear as I knew the only thing that'll get her distracted from her hurt.

Jasmine heard me and gasped, instantly forgetting her hurt hand, and clapping her hands with excitement, she said loudly, "Yes! Yes! Chips now! Chips now! Jazy hungry! Jazy hungry!"

I smiled and snapped my fingers to make bags of chips appear in our laps. Letting out a gleeful squeal, Jasmine scooped up bags of chips and ripped them open one by one before diving into them. She stuffed several chips into her mouth and didn't care if she made a mess or not.

I watched her with amusement as I grabbed a bag of my own. I sighed with relief as it wasn't salt and vinegar flavored. It was regular Lays chips but I didn't care as long as it wasn't salt and vinegar.

We ate chips and drank soda silently for a while, the only sound was the crunching of chips in our mouths and the slurping of soda. I also made pieces of meat appear for Fireclaw since he couldn't have chips and regular human food.

For dessert, I made jelly tarts appear. Jasmine loved every bit of our unhealthy meal and she happily forgot about me hurting her, which was what I wanted. I didn't like it when Jasmine was upset. So I did everything I could to make her happy even if I had to put a spell on her.

When we finished, Jasmine grew tired and yawned. "Tired now," she said sleepily. "Emi tell Jazy a story!"

"Alright," I said, aware that Mommy usually told the stories and that I didn't have one prepared. "But first we need to get under the covers."

Jasmine frowned but a second later said, "Okay!"

But just as I was going to clean up our mess, someone knocked on Alice's door. Expecting Alice, I turned and growled but it wasn't Alice who opened the door. It was her father.

I growled louder and Jasmine whimpered. She nuzzled me, knowing that I was upset.

"It's alright," Alice's father said gently, not bothered by my growling. "I just want to talk to you. Can I come in?"

I turned away, not wanting to talk to him. I laid my head on Jasmine's shoulder and she murmured some babble to me. She was trying to comfort me like I did when she was upset.

Mr. Kirby sighed. Not taking the cue, he stepped inside and closed the door. He came over and sat down on the bed with us.

"It's okay to be upset, Emily," he said. "There were no other options for your mother to make. But she knew you'll both be safe with us while she's gone."

"Can you take us to her?" I asked, my voice coming in a part whisper.

Mr. Kirby shook his head. I gave a crestfallen look in his direction. "I'm under strict orders to keep you here until further notice," he told me.

"But Alice said you could take us to her!" I cried, my voice cracking high in protest.

"Then I apologize for my daughter's empty promise," Mr. Kirby said.

Why did Alice take us here if her father wasn't able to help us? I thought angrily as I turned away to sob into Jasmine's shoulder. Mommy could've left us with Laura and her family. I could've lived with that! But instead she wanted us to be with a bunch of liars who couldn't even take us to our Mommy!

"I know this is hard for you, Emily," Mr. Kirby went on. "You need time to sort this out. We'll be here for you whenever you need us."

Without saying anymore and letting me cry while being wrapped in Jasmine's arms, Mr. Kirby got up and went over to the door. He opened it and quietly stepped out, closing the door behind him.

When I finally calmed down several moments later, I wiped my eyes and convinced Jasmine that I was better. "Emi better?" Jasmine asked wearily.

I nodded my head. "I- I think so," I mumbled. I avoided Jasmine's eyes.

Jasmine whimpered and nuzzled my head. I smiled despite being upset at Alice's father and nuzzled her back. "Thanks, Jazy," I said appreciatively.

"Emi tell story!" Jasmine demanded a few seconds later. She pushed me impatiently from side to side. "Emi promised story!"

"Okay Jazy," I told her.

Jasmine smiled, pleased with herself as I waved my hand over the chip bags and soda cans and made them disappear before helping Jasmine get into bed. I then made a picture book appear in front of me. It was about a mouse who was lost but found it's way back to it's family. It was called The Lost Mouse. As well as Mommy's stories, Jasmine also liked picture books. But this book was Jasmine's favorite. She used to have Mommy or me read it to her every day. I practically had this book memorized but Jasmine still insisted on reading it to her.

"Mouse! Mouse!" Jasmine cried happily as she pointed to the mouse in the book. "Mouse no alone no more. Mouse have Emi and Jazy!"

I laughed a little. "He's not alone Jazy," I said. "Look, he's with his family." I turned to the page where the mouse reunites with his family. "That's how we're going to be when we find Mommy."

"Mommy happy when Emi and Jazy find her?" Jasmine asked hopefully.

I nodded my head. "Then we can go back home with Mommy and live happily ever after just like the mouse and his family," I said.

"Yay!" Jasmine said loudly as she gave me a big squeezing hug. Then a few moments later she said, "Tell story! Tell story!" She pointed to the book.

"Okay," I said.

I turned to the beginning of the book and read out loud until I finished it. Then when I was done, I made the book disappear and tucked Jasmine into bed.

"Goodnight, Jazy," I told her. "I love you."

"Jazy loves Emi! Jazy loves Emi!" She said back before she drifted off to sleep.

I lay beside her, with Mr. Wolf in my arm and my finger stroking my wolf charm. Soon I fell asleep to Jasmine's snores and didn't wake until morning.

This marks the end of Chapter 7 Part 3
The story will continue in Chapter 8.
As always, thanks for reading!
J. D. Driscoll

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