Chapter 15 Part 3

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Two days later...

I was in my new attic bedroom, grieving for my mommy. I sat on the windowsill and looked out in the wilderness. I fiddled with the wolf charm, the last thing my mommy had given me. I haven't left this room since we came here. I haven't even talked to my spirit sisters. I take the wolf charm off at night so they couldn't plague my mind like my dream of my birth.

I think a part of me is afraid of what my sisters would say. How they'll react to knowing that I had let Mommy die. Qwen would be saddened but Eden was the one I was more worried about. She was more revengeful than Qwen was. Eden had made me attack Lily for no reason. I needed to be more careful of what I say and do around Eden. Who knows how much power she has in the wolf charm. Was Qwen right though, about Eden plaguing my mind with thoughts of revenge? Was Eden the one who made me kill Princess Rose and our father? The only way to find out was to talk to her.

I sighed. "Here goes nothing," I said as I went to lay in bed and closed my eyes with my hand wrapped around the wolf charm.


"Eden?" I called when I appeared in the flowery field I had first seen my spirit sisters. "Qwen? Where are you? I need to tell you something!"

"What happened back at the castle, little sister?" I heard Eden's voice before I saw her. She stood in front of me a second later, and she wasn't happy.

Qwen appeared a second after, giving me a sad look.

"Why did we feel Mommy's spirit leave the wolf charm?" Eden interrogated, walking around me in slow menacing circles.

"Mommy's not here?" I asked, my voice cracked with pain. Eden glared at me while Qwen shook her head. "Mommy said her spirit would be in the wolf charm!" I cried a split second later, angry that Mommy had lied to me yet again as I threw my hands on my head in anguish.

"But she's not!" Eden snarled at me. "And it's all because of you!"

"No!" I yelped, going over to Qwen and forced her to hug me. "It's not my fault! It's not! It's Father's fault!" I spat. "He's the one who killed Mommy! But I killed him!"

Eden looked interested. "You killed him?" She asked.

I nodded and Qwen let go of me so I could explain. "I killed him but Grandfather chased me away. They refused to love me! Accept me as their own!"

"You're not at the castle?" Eden queried.

I shook my head. "As I said, Grandfather chased me out of the castle. I didn't have time to take his or the queen's life."

"Then you must go back and kill them!" Eden said. "Take your rightful place on the throne as ruler of the Northern Kingdom! If they didn't accept you as their heir, they need to die!"

"Eden," Qwen said timidly. Eden and I looked at her. "Emily doesn't need to keep killing!"

Eden scoffed. "You were always the weakest of the three of us. No wonder you were the first one dead after Emily attacked us in Mother's womb!"

"Is that true?" I asked, fear in my voice. Qwen didn't say anything. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Looks like we don't need you anymore, Qwen," Eden said, a smile across her face. "Are you ready to rejoin Mother in the Spirit Realm?"

The Banished Hybrid book 1: Hybrid's Revenge (14+) (Draft 1) Where stories live. Discover now