Three • Helpful...or not

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The mop swung across the glass tiled floors of Billie's green room.
   Wren was determined to get this finished before Billie was finished with soundcheck but of course Avery came to check on her which turned into yet another argument.   
   "You're leaving streaks. Why can't you do anything the way it's supposed to be done? Go. Go sit."
Wren looked down. Her headphones suddenly paused, and then they died.
Could this day get any worse?
Of course the most cliche thing happens after that rhetorical question.
She looked at the bandage on her wrist and realized she was bleeding right through it.
"I'll be back. Don't bother Billie and don't leave the green room."
Wren nodded and looked down at her hand again.
"I'm sure it can wait a little longer until we go home." She sighed to herself, the tears finally overflowing her eyes and falling out onto her cheeks.
The door suddenly swung open and in came Billie.
Wren gasped and looked away, not wanting Billie to notice her crying.
It made her cry even more.
"Oh hello Wren. I didn't know you were in here." She whispered, sitting on the floor beside the outlet.
Wren attempted to cover her wrist with her sleeves but Billie caught a glimpse at it.
"What happened Wren? Why are you bleeding?" She calmly questioned grabbing her wrist and examining the bloody bandage.
Wren just stared at her.
Tears still dropping from her puffy, red eyes.
"Come on. I'm gonna get you cleaned up. Does that sound okay?"
Yet again wren didn't respond.
Billie grabbed wren by her uninjured hand and took her into a nearby bathroom, helping her onto the counter and unwrapping the bandage which exposed the wound.
"How did this happen wren? It's pretty deep. You may need stitches." She said while grabbing the first aid kit.
"Still not talking eh? That's okay. Take your time."
"I-um. Glass." Wren spoke quietly.
"What type of glass. Come on you can talk to me, I'm not gonna bite." She poked wrens nose and giggled a bit at the face she made.
"A wine bottle."
"You certainly don't look over the age of twenty-one." Billie finished wrapping her hand and tucked the excess length into the already wrapped part.
"I-it wasn't for me."
"Ah I see."

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