Twelve • leaving Paris

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Billie handed Wren a muffin to keep her occupied while she packed everything back into the suitcases to head back to LA.
Billie put the last few items in the bag just as Wren approached her happily.
"Did you finish your muffin love?"
"Mhm" She smiled while sitting on the bed and swinging her legs.
"Great job. Go put your shoes on alright? We're gonna leave in 5 minutes." Billie planted a gentle kiss on Wren's cheek and walked around the hotel a few times to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything.
Once Wren was completely ready sully came to take the bags down to the Uber and then he came back up to the room to escort them out safely.
"Wren honey don't jump down the stairs. You'll fall and get hurt." Billie said while tightening her grip on Wren's hand.
"Well, you're super protective Billie. I'll be right behind you." He said, indicating that he will be in the next Uber to arrive.
Billie nodded and helped Wren buckle her seatbelt before buckling her own.

*back in LA*

Wren is down for a well needed nap and Billie finally had time to finish up some last minute work which included a three hour long meeting.
She was very exhausted so she crawled beside Wren and scooped her up, Billie felt a little better about the long day now that she was home with her little.
   And then Wren awoke from her nap.
She was feeling very little but she just needed some music to calm her nerves after a super confusing dream.
   She attempted to crawl out from underneath Billie's arm but ended up waking her on accident. It made her feel horrible.
   "I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you." Wren whispered, her eyes wide.
    "You look scared love. What's wrong?"
Wren couldn't tell her what Avery did if she accidentally woke her up.
   If she did then Billie would be furious.
Well, here goes nothing.
   "Avery. Avery get mad if I wake her up." Wren said, her voice sounding smaller.
   "Look. Look at me Wren. I'm not Avery okay? You are safe with me. I promise you. Now, what does my baby need?"
   Wren smiled a bit and sat up, pointing to her ears.
   "Music." She said.
"Oh. But wren. You killed your headphones on the plane." Billie's stroked wrens hair as an idea raced to her mind.
   "How about I sing to you. Your favorite song is... Halley's Comet right love?"
   Wren's eyes lit up as a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
   She nodded eagerly and laid back in Billie's arms.

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