Ten • nightmare

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"Billie? Billie please wake up. I had a nightmare." Wren had tears pooling up up on her cheeks while she shook Billie awake.
"Wren? Honey. It's really late what's wrong?" Billie asked while sitting up and opening her arms.
Wren scooted into her arms and rested her head on Billie's shoulder.
"Nightmare." She mumbled into Billie's shirt.
"Are you feeling little?" Billie whispered while turning on the bedside lamp.
Wren nodded and grabbed onto Billie's shirt, not wanting to let go of her.
"Calm down Wren. I'm not going anywhere. Do you want to talk about the nightmare?"
Wren just shook her head no and closed her eyes as Billie held onto her tightly.
"Okay. That's okay. Do you want to snuggle?"
Wren nodded. She wanted to be close to Billie.
   Once Wren had fallen asleep Billie knew she wasn't going to be able to get up at all so she closed her eyes and continued stroking Wren's hair until she finally fell asleep.
  She woke up. Wren was still holding onto her shirt so she slid out of it, leaving her in a sports bra.
   She very quietly went into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day before they had breakfast and began getting ready to board the plane.
Billie didn't know how wren would react to being on a plane. So she made sure to book a private flight.
She finished packing wrens suitcases and started on breakfast which was oatmeal with some berries.
And then it was time to wake Wren from her slumber.
"Wrenny. My love it's time to wake up. I made some breakfast."
Wren scrunched up her nose and opened her eyes. She was expecting the sun to be peering through the window but it was still dark outside.
"It's still dark." Wren whined while sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
"I know it is. We have a flight to catch in two hours. So come on. It's time for breakfast and then you can shower and change."

*on the plane*

Wren wiggled around in the seat, trying to get comfortable but her ears were hurting and her heart was racing.
Billie guided her over to her lap and slid the headphones over her ears. She pressed play on the music as she held her tightly.
Although wren couldn't hear anything she could feel Billie comforting her. One hand was in her hair and the other was rubbing her back.
  And then Wren fell asleep.
But when she woke up she was in Paris.
   They got off of the plane and went straight to the Hotel but as they were walking they were getting mobbed by fans, screaming, shouting and begging Billie for her autograph or a photo.
   Wren was scared and Billie was getting overwhelmed with the loud screaming after a long flight.
   "I know you're sleepy Wrenny. As soon as we get inside you can nap." Billie said while adjusting the little on her hip.
  "Guys Billie can not give autographs today. Make room to the door." Sully, her bodyguard said while opening the door for Billie and wren.
   Billie placed wren on the ground and held her hand as they went to the elevator.
    "I'm sleepy." Wren whined while tugging Billie's arm.
   "I know love. Come on." Billie lifted her off of the ground and carried her to the room, parting ways with her body guards.
   Billie scanned the key card and went straight inside, placing wren on the bed and helping her remove her shoes.
   "Now remember honey. We do have a show tonight, so I'll wake you up in a few hours, we'll have dinner and then we will go right to the venue."
   Wren just nodded, her eyes falling heavier by the second.
"And one more show tomorrow and then we go home?" Wren asked while Billie stroked her hair.
   "Yes my dear. Well go on honey. Take your nap, I'll be right here when you wake up." Billie placed a gentle kiss on Wren's cheek and covered her up with her special, fuzzy blanket.

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