Sixteen • interrogation?

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Wren rested her head on the window as she watched Billie disappear into the distance.
   Her bunny was on her lap, tucked into the seatbelt along with her.
   She wasn't feeling little at all.
When Billie's not here, neither is Wren's little side.
   She must have fallen asleep on the ride but when she woke up she was somewhere she had never been. She couldn't recognize anything.  
   "Excuse me? Where are we?" She whispered.
"Why hon, we are in San Francisco. We'll have a few interrogations here and then you'll be back to Billie in no time." The man looked at Wren through the rear view mirror and cleared his throat.
   "We're here." His voice croaked out of the utter silence. Wren opened the door and stepped out. Her heart was pounding out of her chest. Her head was also pounding and Billie wasn't here to help her.
     She glanced at her phone as the walked into the building. Billie hasn't texted her at all.
  "This is Wren. She's here for the interrogation. If you're not delicate with her there will be consequences." The man slapped a piece of paper on the reception desk and watched as the woman skimmed over it before taking Wren into the back room.
   *So many hours later*
Wren was getting back into the car for the long ride back to Los Angeles.
  She was so tired, her tummy ached at the thought of being in the car for so long and not being able to fall asleep. She slid her headphones on and shuffled through her playlist. "I don't want it. And I don't want to want you. But In my dreams I seem to be more honest, and I must admit you've been in quite a few."
  The sound of billies voice ringed throughout her ears making her mind calm down. She finally felt tired.
  She hugged her bunny as she drifted off to sleep in the backseat of the car. It's now midnight, which means it's finally wrens birthday, there's 3 hours left of the car ride and the flight is at 6.
  She was them awoken to someone tucking her into bed. Her eyes peaked open and to her surprise it was Billie.
   A smile plastered itself across her face as she pulled Billie down. "I missed you." She mumbled into her neck as she held on to Billie as tightly as she could without hurting her.
  "I think I missed you more. Happy birthday pumpkin."

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