Twenty six • Accident?

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It's now after midnight. Billie was just now leaving to go retrieve Wrens bunny from Claudia and Finneas' house but she figured Wren would be alright alone for a few minutes.
She wasn't feeling so social anyways.
It's getting late ad wren was so sleepy but she couldn't sleep without her bunny so she waited up. She had also hoped she'd get to see her new apartment in the morning but right now she was busy trying to work things out with Billie but her being little so much isn't helping.
   She sat on the bed, hoping she wouldn't feel little when Billie came back from getting her bunny from Finneas house.
    Once Billie got home wren met her hat the front door and grabbed the bunny from her hands, welcoming her back with a hug.
   "Little?" Billie questioned.
"Not really."

*TiMe sKip*

"Wow this apartment is so. So cool." Claudia smiled while walking around behind Wren. Billie was also behind the two girls.
She was on her phone an awful lot but wren just figured she was anxious.
"I think this will be my room. I'm not totally sure. And I think this will be my art gallery." Wren said while waking Billie and Claudia around the apartment.
    "It's nice." Billie said while taking her phone out once again.
   She then received a call so she headed outside while Wren and Claudia sat In silence until Claudia spoke.
   "She's still in love with you." She smirked, poking wrens shoulder.
   "No. No she isn't. We broke up a while ago." Wren played with the set of keys in her hand while her leg shook violently.
"A month and a half isn't a while ago. Quit being so shy and let her know you still love her before it's too late. You never know how much you live someone until they aren't there anymore."
Wren just sighed as Billie entered the apartment again.
"Finneas was in an accident."

Little space; Billie eilish Where stories live. Discover now