he leaves him for her...

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Tae- bun..... (he scream as kookie run from there tae also run behind his broken bunny... as kookie was trying to find tae because he always check his tiger ok or not that's when he see jm and Jen was going to the class room he think tae was with them so he followed them as everyone come behind them because jm already msg to yoongi the situation so he come with others and see kookie was standing there with teary eyes as yn was trying to kill herself which make yoongi more anger but kookie stop him and everything happens.. but his whole world collapse when his tiger nodded his head when she asked please love me... now that's it he can't control he run away as tae also follow him others also do the same but not knowing behind two evil people's are looking at them with successful smile....)

Tae run fast as much as he can and catch kookie who is a body without soul.. as take hugg him from behind and put his face on his nape... who didn't said anything and recalling the moment what just now happened but kookie tears started to flow more as remembering his tiger accept her make someone stab his heart really hard.. he push tae and turn back Only to see a broken tae with teary eyes ...
Jk- why you come..haa tell me, why you come... (he shouted make everyone flinch...)
Tae- bun please understand me please bun... Please listen to me once bun.... (he plead but kookie just chuckle and said...)
Jk- now what I want to listen, that you love her, you fall for her, then what about me tiger... say what about me... (he hold tae coller with angrily tae said nothing just his bun do whatever he want with him...) You know how much I love you... (he said with his crack voice as tae look at him with wide eyes)
Tae- you love me bun....
Jk- (chuckle) are you that much dumb hyung... did you see me with someone else like you (tae shook his head as no) did you see someone touch me like you do.. (again tae shook his head) did you see I kiss someone like you and I look at someone with lovely eyes like I do with you..(he again shook his head with teary eyes) then how can you think I will not love you... I love you Tiger... why just why you always giving me pain and pain huh... my every happiness my every pain, my every anger only start with you and end with you tiger... but I'm a fool to think like this... You already accepted her as your as I also can't make you separate as I see how she try to kill herself for you... she really love you... (he said with his painful voice... everyone look at them with their hurt eyes......)
Tae- baby don't think like that I love you...
Jk- stop it you already betrayed me... you broke my heart tiger..... I hate you... (tae breath hitch he never in his million life he think his bun will hate him...) I don't want you hyung please leave me....

He said and walk away but stopped and look at back and see his tiger broken state... he run and hugg tae more tightly how much he can that much tightly... he kiss tae's whole face and kiss his lips who also kiss back, as kookie broke the kiss but tae again attached his lips with his bun, how much he miss this lips , only he know how much he miss his baby bunny lips, as a long makeout section they back away as kookie again kiss his forehead and whole face.... And kiss his lips once again...
(Jk mind- sorry tiger I know it's hurt you but I don't want to make you regret once again as I see how yn nonna was try to kill herself.. if she will kill herself then you will not forgive yourself and blame everything happens because of you... I don't want to make you once again broken... Please nonna don't hurt my tiger he is so precious for me, I can't take this pain hyung....)

He broke the kiss and peck tae's forehead and his teary eyes and peck his lips multiple times as now on he can't kiss this lips... He can't think his tiger with someone but he have to do that...
Jk- don't follow me if you come once again infront of me then forgot you see me once in your life.... (he said and run away as enwoo and mingyu also follow him behind others are looking at tae with their broken eyes,. As tae was standing there like a statue, his heart his soul his happiness everything go behind his bun... Now own he only a death' body where no emotions and no pain....)

Like that 1 month pass as tae hide himself from kookie never go infront of him always look at his bun far away, as kookie he lock himself in his room for 1 week after jisoo and bogum make him come outside and give him courage to fight with himself... As everyone was so broken no one can see the pain in their tiger and bunny's eyes....... As tae try his best to make yn understand but she was not willing to hear anything... She was only saying the same thing which make tae more tension... At that time tae think once again to make yn understand if she will not understand then he have to tell everything to his eomma as his eomma will handle everything....

Like that tae was going to yn appartment as she was living near the university... He make himself the courage that today he will make everything have a end but not knowing today is the worst day in his life.. he come infront of her appartment and knock the door but no one open the door make him sigh as he think she was not in her appartment.. he about to go but his eyes catch a car as he go near to the car and see it's his bestfriend car... He look the upper part off the appartment windows and see the light was on.. he panic as yn again try to do something bad... he open the door as it's not locked he directly went to her room but his eyes widen seeing them like this... but hearing their words make his whole world collapse he didn't think his bestfriend will do like this to him....

Au- hey guys if your bored because of my story then sorry for everyone, I try my best to make this story like this, my mind was not working with some line... so please forgive me, I will complete this story as soon as possible.. as this is already at the end....
Purple you....💜💚

To be continued.........

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